Exercises for Pregnancy at Hermina Galaxy Hospital

Exercises for Pregnancy at Hermina Galaxy Hospital

Hello Friends of Hermina! Pregnancy exercise has numerous positive effects on a woman's health, particularly in terms of easing labor. Along with many other advantages, pregnancy exercise can help pregnant women who are experiencing hip and back pain. Let's face it, Hermina's pregnant buddies...

Has Joined Orthopedic Specialist Dr. Yun Isnansyah, Sp.OT

Has Joined Orthopedic Specialist Dr. Yun Isnansyah, Sp.OT

Has Joined dr. Yun Isnansyah, Sp.OT. He is a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology at Hermina Makassar Hospital. As a hospital in the city of Makassar, we are committed to providing excellent service for all the people of Makassar. For Friends of Hermina who have health problems around b...

Has Joined Ophthalmologist Dr. Darwis, Sp.M

Has Joined Ophthalmologist Dr. Darwis, Sp.M

Has Joined dr. Darwis, Sp.M. He is an Ophthalmologist at Hermina Makassar Hospital. As a hospital in the city of Makassar, we are committed to providing excellent service for all the people of Makassar. For Friends of Hermina who have problems with eye health, please do a health consultation ...

Has Joined ENT Specialist Dr. Ayu Ameliyah Hasbullah, Sp.THT-BKL, M.Kes

Has Joined ENT Specialist Dr. Ayu Ameliyah Hasbullah, Sp.THT-BKL, M.Kes

Has Joined dr. Ayu Ameliyah Hasbullah, Sp.THT-BKL, M.Kes. He is an ENT specialist at Hermina Makassar Hospital. As a hospital in the city of Makassar, we are committed to providing excellent service for all the people of Makassar. For Friends of Hermina who have hearing loss or problems with th...

Has Joined a safar surgeon "dr. Yusuf Brilliant Sp.BS" at Hermina Balikpapan Hospital

Has Joined a safar surgeon "dr. Yusuf Brilliant Sp.BS" at Hermina Balikpapan Hospital

Has Joined Dr. Yusuf Brilliant Sp.BS who is a neurosurgeon specialist at Hermina Hospital Balikpapan. As a hospital located in one of the biggest cities in East Kalimantan, Hermina Balikpapan Hospital is committed to the people of Balikpapan city to provide excellent service. For those of you...

Has Joined internal medicine doctor dr. Rentha Monica S, Sp.PD at hermina balikpapan hospital

Has Joined internal medicine doctor dr. Rentha Monica S, Sp.PD at hermina balikpapan hospital

Has Joined dr. Rentha Monica S, Sp.PDwho is a specialist in internal medicineat Hermina HospitalBalikpapan. As a hospital located in one of the biggest cities in East Kalimantan, Hermina Balikpapan Hospital is committed to the people of Balikpapan city to provide excellent service. For those ...

Visit of Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital (KISA) Depok City to Hermina Depok General Hospital

Visit of Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital (KISA) Depok City to Hermina Depok General Hospital

Hermina Depok Hospital received a comparative study visit from Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital (KISA) Depok City, During one day the opportunity to study the management of type B Hospital. Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital (KISA) Depok City is preparing Type B Hospital services to provide the best heal...

Basic Life Assistance (BHD) Training at Hermina Depok Hospital with PT Frisian Flag Indonesia

Basic Life Assistance (BHD) Training at Hermina Depok Hospital with PT Frisian Flag Indonesia

Hermina Depok Hospital in collaboration with PT Frisian Flag Indonesia provides BHD (Basic Life Support) training education to employees of PT Frisian Flag Indonesia, hopefully in the future this training can have an impact if there are emergencies in terms of health.

 Hermina Talks RSU Hermina Kendari at the Kendari Branch of Bank BTN Syariah Office

Hermina Talks RSU Hermina Kendari at the Kendari Branch of Bank BTN Syariah Office

Hermina Talks is an activity with the aim of providing health education as well as sharing information about the services of Hermina Kendari Public Hospital delivered by Hermina Kendari Hospital doctors. Education about "DYSLIPIDEMIA" delivered by dr. Ika Fitri. This activity covers employees of...

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Neurologi Anak

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Neurologi Anak

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Neurologi Anak RSU Hermina Medan memiliki Layanan Dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Neurologi Anak Beliau dapat menangani : 1. Epilepsi pada anak 2. Kejang pada Anak 3. Sulit bergerak atau berjalan 4. Penurunan kesadaran pada anak dll ...

Welcome aboard, dr. Michael Yang Sp.PD.

Welcome aboard, dr. Michael Yang Sp.PD.

Welcome, Dr. Michael Yang, Internal Medicine Specialist. As an internal medicine specialist, I can handle: Respiratory system complaints, such as shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and pain when breathing. Digestive system complaints, such as chronic diarrhea, frequent bloating,...

Hermina Talks: The Challenge of Cervical Cancer

Hermina Talks: The Challenge of Cervical Cancer

Hello Hermina Friends This time Hermina Talks will discuss the Challenge of Cervical Cancer. With dr. Sutrisno, M.Kes., Sp.OG., Subsp. ONK (K) Cervical cancer is cancer that appears in cells in the cervix. This cancer occurs when there are cells in the cervix alias cervix that are not norm...

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