RSU Hermina Solo Visit to TK Lazuardi

RSU Hermina Solo Visit to TK Lazuardi

The visit was on: Tuesday, 04 March 2023 #CalmDiHermina #HerminaMoreClose

Hermina Karawang Hospital Contributes to the National Immunization Week at the Anggrek IX Buana Tamansari Posyandu

Hermina Karawang Hospital Contributes to the National Immunization Week at the Anggrek IX Buana Tamansari Posyandu

On Thursday, April 6 2023 Hermina Karawang Hospital committed to support the National Immunization Week program by providing free Time Blood Sugar (GDS) checks and providing interesting gimmicks for people visiting the Orchid XI Buana Tamansari Karawang Posyandu. The National Immunization Week ...

RSU Hermina Solo A Visit to the Kimia Farma Adisucipto Clinic

RSU Hermina Solo A Visit to the Kimia Farma Adisucipto Clinic

The visit was on: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 #CalmDiHermina #HerminaMoreClose

RSU Hermina Solo Visit to Sompo Insurance

RSU Hermina Solo Visit to Sompo Insurance

The visit was on: Thursday, March 30, 2023 #CalmDiHermina #HerminaMoreClose

RSU Hermina Solo Visit to BSI Urip Sumoharjo Unit Office

RSU Hermina Solo Visit to BSI Urip Sumoharjo Unit Office

The visit was on: Monday, 03 April 2023 #CalmDiHermina #HerminaMoreClose

Pemberian Tempat Sampah Organik dan Non Organik dalam Rangka HUT 38 Hermina Hospitals

Pemberian Tempat Sampah Organik dan Non Organik dalam Rangka HUT 38 Hermina Hospitals

Sahabat Hermina, RS Hermina Ciputat mengadakan kegiatan CSR pemberian tempat sampah organik dan non organik kepada Puskesmas yang berada disekitar RS Hermina CIputat. Tempat sampah diberikan kepada Puskesmas Cirendeu, Puskesmas Pisangan dan juga Puskesmas Pamulang. Kegiatan ini juga sebagai rang...

Eye Clinic Sub Specialty Hospital Herina Bekasi

Eye Clinic Sub Specialty Hospital Herina Bekasi

Do you know Hermina's friends, One of the most important health checks that is done regularly is an eye check. The older a person is, the health of their eyes and visual function is more likely to be disturbed. Therefore, eye examination needs to be done to maintain good eye function. Having hea...

Pamoramic at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Pamoramic at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Problems with Hermina Kemayoran's Friend's Teeth? Currently Dental Services at Hermina Kemayoran RSU are more complete with panoramic/dental X-ray services. Friends of Hermina can immediately go to the Dental Polyclinic at RSU Hermina Kemayoran to get the right treatment. Panoramic X-Ray aims to...

Do you need surgery for tonsillitis?

Do you need surgery for tonsillitis?

Hermina's friend, Let's Get to Know Closer "Is Surgery Required for Tonsillitis?" with dr. Dewi Kurniawati, Sp.ENT-KLshe is an ENT-KL Specialist at Hermina Kendari Hospital. If Hermina's friends have eye health problems, please consult a doctor immediately at Hermina Kendari Hospital. Youtub...

Iftar Event and Ghatering Midwives

Iftar Event and Ghatering Midwives

Hello Hermina Friends 👋 RSU Hermina held an Iftar event and a Midwife Ghatering. As well as there is a presentation of material on "Management of Pregnancy and Labor with Obstetrical Complications" with dr. Hesa Kusuma, Sp. OG. To make it easier to access services & registration at Her...

Selamat Bergabung dr. Diana Tairas, Sp.KJ di RSU Hermina Manado

Selamat Bergabung dr. Diana Tairas, Sp.KJ di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sobat Hermina ... Telah bergabung bersama RSU Hermina Manado dr. Diana Tairas, Sp.KJ Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Sekarang lebih mudah anda bisa dapatkan jadwal praktek dan appoitment dokter melalui : - AplikasiHalo Hermina - Website

Hermina Seminar "Health Wellness Fitness"

Hermina Seminar "Health Wellness Fitness"

RSU Hermina Bogor, together with PT. Grand Indonesia, held a public seminar entitled Health, Wellness, and Fitness". The purpose of the seminar is to educate the audience on the importance of maintaining health and fitness. In this lay seminar, Dr. Hendriko Sitorus, SpKFR, MARS, and AAK provi...

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