Medical Seminar on Emergency Management of Heart Disease & Inauguration of DPK PPNI Hermina Ciruas Hospital

Medical Seminar on Emergency Management of Heart Disease & Inauguration of DPK PPNI Hermina Ciruas Hospital

A Joint Seminar on FKTP in Serang Regency has been held with the theme "Emergency Management of Heart Disease" and Inauguration of DPK PPNI Hermina Ciruas Hospital for the period 2023 - 2028

Hermina Update (Submission of PKS to Bank BTN Syariah)

Hermina Update (Submission of PKS to Bank BTN Syariah)

Exploration of the Cooperation Agreement of Hermina Kendari Hospital with Bank BTN Syariah. This collaboration aims to optimize and facilitate employees in health service process. In addition, this collaboration also aims to facilitate access for Hermina Hospital employees in obtaining banking s...

Company GatheringHermina Padang Hospital Was Successfully Organized And Attended By More Than 25 Companies

Company GatheringHermina Padang Hospital Was Successfully Organized And Attended By More Than 25 Companies

Held successfully, the Company Gathering Hermina Padang General Hospital was held on Tuesday (07/03) at the Ibis Padang Hotel with the theme Trust and Collaboration in Harmony attended by more than 25 companies and agencies. It was not only attended by companies or agencies from the city of Pada...

Hermina Goes To School

Hermina Goes To School

The Hermina Goes To School activity is an activity held by Hermina Tagkubanprahu Hospital in an effort to educate and conduct student health checks at school. This time it was held at PAUD Nur Medina on 6 March 2023, and filled in by drg. Setyaningrum Kusumawardani, Sp. KGA which provides educat...

Hermina Talks

Hermina Talks

Hermina talks with IIKK Perum Jasa Tirta I Malang City, (27/2/2023). This activity was carried out offline and attended by less than all members from IIKK Perum Jasa Tirta I Malang City. This Health Talk raises the topic of Balanced nutrition to prevent PTM disease. The material was delivered by...

Hermina Talks Medical Seminar

Hermina Talks Medical Seminar

This Hermina Talks activity is a Medical Seminar activity with the theme of the latest management of urinary tract disease, in commemoration of Hermina's 38th Anniversary. The activity carried out on February 25 2023is the first activity to be carried out using the offline method after the co-19...

Hermina Talks

Hermina Talks

Handling of Emergencies Due to Working Accidents with Malang Grab Driver Partners Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialists In general, their role is to diagnose and treat injuries caused by physical activity in patients of all ages, be they infants, adults, or the elderly (elderly). Orthopedic e...

 Level 1 Health Facility Doctor Gathering

Level 1 Health Facility Doctor Gathering

Hello Friends of Hermina Pandanaran RSU Hermina Pandanaran held a Level 1 Health Facility Doctor Gathering with the theme The Role of Ultrasound in Early Detection of Gynecological Diseases & Pregnancy Complicationswith dr. Monika Natasha, Sp.OG For complete information, please contact Cus...

senam diabetes

senam diabetes

Nikmati kemudahan pendaftaran melalui : 1. Hermina Mobile Aplikasi (tersedia di Playstore/Appstore) 2. Website : 3. Call Center : 1500488 4. Halodoc #herminalebihdekat #HerminaHospitals #rsuherminabanyumanik #staysafe

Gathering and training on initial handling of accident patients with ambulance officers

Gathering and training on initial handling of accident patients with ambulance officers

RSU Hermina Solo Gathering and Training on Initial Handling of Accident Patients with Ambulance Officers with Resource Persons Dr. Seti Aji, SpOT(K) This activity took place on: Friday March 3, 2023 At 13:00 - done at Griyane Mbah Wongso #CalmDiHermina #HerminaMoreClose

Medical Seminar with FKTP in Kabupaten Serang

Medical Seminar with FKTP in Kabupaten Serang

Hermina Ciruas Hospital held a medical seminar with FKTP in Kabupaten Serang with the theme of emergency management in heart disease with resource persons Dr. Nila Indah Gayatri, Sp.JP and NS Edwin Khaerul Ansori, S.Kep With the holding of this seminar, it is expected that FKTP and Hermina C...

Audiometry Examination

Audiometry Examination

The high risk of hearing loss due to noise requires us to take extra care of ourselves, especially for workers who spend more or less 8 hours a day in places that have quite high noise, such as factory workers and airport workers. As a prevention, it's a good idea to use ear protection. For th...

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