Influenza Vaccine Activities PT. Creating Main Mortar with Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Influenza Vaccine Activities PT. Creating Main Mortar with Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Vaccination is one way to prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by the influenza virus, which if left unchecked can lead to dangerous complications such as lung infections. This vaccine is intended for almost all people, especially office workers who are at high risk of being exposed to the ...

Coronary Heart Disease in Women of Reproductive Age - HerminaTalks

Coronary Heart Disease in Women of Reproductive Age - HerminaTalks

Halo Sahabat Hermina...☺️ Jangan Lewatkan Hermina Talks RS Hermina Palembang bersama Dokter Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Dasar. Dengan tema "Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Wanita Usia Produktif". Bersama narasumber "dr. Ahmad Pandu Pratama, SpJP-FIHA” Pada hari Sabtu, 8 Januari 2022 Pukul...

Trauma Center RS Hermina Bekasi

Trauma Center RS Hermina Bekasi

Hello Hermina Friends, Hermina Bekasi Hospital is one of the trusted hospitals and has collaborated with BPJS Employment and Jasa Raharja in Trauma Center services. Trauma Center services for patients who experience work accidents, occupational diseases and traffic accidents, supported by compl...

 Influenza Vaccine at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Influenza Vaccine at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends! Going back to school face-to-face has started, but this month it often rains. Don't let your child's joy in learning at school decrease due to fever, cough and nasal congestion (Influenza) STRENGTHEN YOUR CHILDREN WITH IMMUNE AND FIGHT THE VIRUS WITH IMMUNIZATION...

A visit from the Head of BPJS Health Palembang Branch to Hermina Hospital Palembang

A visit from the Head of BPJS Health Palembang Branch to Hermina Hospital Palembang

Hallo teman Hermina 😊 Pada Tanggal 22 Desember 2021, RS Hermina Palembang menerima kunjungan dari Kepala BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Palembang . . Kunjungan tersebut bertujuan untuk mempererat silaturahmi antara RS Hermina Palembang dengan BPJS Kesehatan Terimakasih atas kunjungannya, semoga ...

Webinar Hermina Greets FKTP Vol.4

Webinar Hermina Greets FKTP Vol.4

Webinar Hermina Menyapa FKTP Vol. 4 Halo sahabat Hermina. Hermina Makassar kembali menyapa fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama dalam acara webinar "Kenali Stroke dan Manajemen Rehabilitasi Medisnya " Kali ini bersama narasumber yang profesional dibidangnya : dr. Raissa Alfaathir, Sp.N d...

GERD Prevention and Recovery - Health Talk

GERD Prevention and Recovery - Health Talk

.Halo Sahabat Hermina...☺️ Jangan Lewatkan Health Talk RS Hermina Palembang bersama Asuransi Kesehatan Ramayana dan PT Semen Baturaja Persero. Dengan tema "Pencegahan dan Pemulihan GERD" . bersama narasumber "dr. Shinta Suharno, SpPD" Pada hari Jumat, 24 Desember 2021 Pukul 14.00 WIB s.d s...

Cardiology Services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Cardiology Services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends, Did Friends of Hermina know that cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world? The World Health Organization (WHO) states that heart disease can prevent the prevention of risky behaviors, such as smoking, unhealthy diet and obesity, lack of physica...

Back to School Imunization

Back to School Imunization

Halo Sahabat Hermina! Kembali belajar di sekolah dengan tatap muka sudah dimulai, akan tetapi pada bulan ini sering sekali hujan turun. Jangan biarkan keceriaan Anak Anda dalam belajar di sekolah berkurang karena demam, batuk dan hidung tersumbat (Influenza) KUATKAN ANAK ANDA DENGAN IMU...

Personal Maternity Officer (PMO) Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Personal Maternity Officer (PMO) Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Do you know Hermina's friend, what is PMO? PMO is a Personal Maternity Officer or a friend of pregnant women. PMO will help Mother and Father to provide information and solutions from pregnancy to delivery. Starting from information about the savings program for childbirth, namely depomil (Pre...

back to school immunization

back to school immunization

Hello Hermina Friends! Going back to school face-to-face has started, but this month it often rains. Don't let your child's joy in learning at school decrease due to fever, cough and nasal congestion (Influenza) STRENGTHEN YOUR CHILDREN WITH IMMUNE AND FIGHT THE VIRUS WITH IMMUNIZATION...

Kuatkan Anak dengan Imunisasi

Kuatkan Anak dengan Imunisasi

Halo Sahabat Hermina! Kembali belajar di sekolah dengan tatap muka sudah dimulai, akan tetapi pada bulan ini sering sekali hujan turun. Jangan biarkan keceriaan Anak Anda dalam belajar di sekolah berkurang karena demam, batuk dan hidung tersumbat (Influenza) KUATKAN ANAK ANDA DENGAN IMU...

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