RS Hermina Serpong Bekerjasama dengan Jasa Raharja

RS Hermina Serpong Bekerjasama dengan Jasa Raharja

Tangerang Selatan – Sebagai salah satu Rumah Sakit yang bekerja sama dengan Jasa Raharja dalam hal penanganan korban kecelakaan RS Hermina Serpong tentunya memiliki standart pelayanan yang baik untuk memastikan pelayanan kepada korban kecelakaan berjalan dengan baik. Petugas Jasa Raharja Sams...

Blood Donation at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital

Blood Donation at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital

Friends of Hermina, Come on, join the Free Blood Donation activity at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital on: Day, Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 Time: 08.00-finish Location: Front parking area of ​​MOG Malang ARTIST!

Pound Fit RS Hermina Tangkubanprahu

Pound Fit RS Hermina Tangkubanprahu

Hermina friends, do you like to do pound fit sports? Recently, pound fit exercise has become increasingly popular because it can be an exciting way to exercise with many benefits for the body. Apart from being able to lose weight, pound fit can also be a fun way of exercise to make your bo...

SPGDT Services at Hermina Hospital Makassar

SPGDT Services at Hermina Hospital Makassar

Hermina's friend The ER at Hermina Hospital Makassar is ready to serve 24 hour patient referrals via SPGDT SPGT or Integrated Emergency Management System is a mechanism for serving victims or emergency patients who need immediate medical services to save people's lives. Please. Contact the Eme...

Fitness hobby? Do you know how to prevent injuries during fitness? Let's find out!

Fitness hobby? Do you know how to prevent injuries during fitness? Let's find out!

Hello Hermina Friends, tune in to our podcast to become more aware of warming up or preparing for other sports to prevent injuries during exercise. If you want to consult with Dr. Moch Fathoni, Sp.OT, the complete schedule is available on our Instagram @rsuherminaciruas. Speaker: Dr. Moch Fat...

Mini MCU & Healthtalk with PT. PLN Indonesia Power

Mini MCU & Healthtalk with PT. PLN Indonesia Power

Mini MCU (Medical Check-Up) & Health Talk with PT. PLN Indonesia Power, featuring the theme "The Art of Happiness in the Workplace." The speaker for the event is Ririn Nur Abdiah Bahar, M.Psi, a psychologist at Hermina Ciruas Hospital. Thank you, and see you at the next event! πŸ‘ ​​​​​​...

Podcast Collaboration between RS Hermina Pekalongan and DPC Persagi Pekalongan City

Podcast Collaboration between RS Hermina Pekalongan and DPC Persagi Pekalongan City

Podcast collaboration between RS Hermina Pekalongan and DPC Persagi Pekalongan on the theme of animal protein-rich complementary food to prevent stunting

DOnor Darah

DOnor Darah

Halo sahabat Hermina, ada yang pernah ikut Donor Darah, Nah bagi yang rutin melakukan Donor yuk bisa datang ke Rumah Sakit Hermina Serpong. Bagi yang belum pernah yuk ikut berpartisipasi membantu sesama Jangan lupa di catat yang tanggalnya #donordarah#tangsel#herminaserpong#hermina #rshe...

Happy 6th Anniversary of RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Happy 6th Anniversary of RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Hello Hermina FriendsπŸ‘‹ Happy 6th birthday, RSU Hermina Purwokerto, πŸŽ‰ Six years has been a proud journey, a journey filled with dedication, innovation and unwavering commitment in providing quality health services to the community. Today, we celebrate not only achievements, but also the partne...

Study Tiru RS Hermina Padang ke Daehan Rehabilitation Hospital Putrajaya  Malaysia

Study Tiru RS Hermina Padang ke Daehan Rehabilitation Hospital Putrajaya Malaysia

As an effort to improve the quality of hospital services, especially medical rehabilitation services for physiotherapy, Hermina Padang Hospital carried out comparative study activities to Daehan Hospital Putrajaya Malaysia on 8-10 February 2024. This comparative study was carried out directly b...

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital Services and Facilities

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital Services and Facilities

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital is the 9th member hospital of the Hermina Group Hospital, Type C Hospital with PT Ownership. Medikaloka Malang and Number of Beds 105 TT with competent medical personnel and complete medical support facilities. The superior services at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospi...

Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with the Shalom clinic

Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with the Shalom clinic

In order to improve the field of health services, Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with first level health facilities

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