During the month of Ramadan, all Muslims are required to fast, where Muslims refrain from eating and drinking until Maghrib time arrives. To maintain health and fitness during activities so as not to feel weak and dehydrated, you can drink 8 glasses of water a day to fulfill body fluids during fasting.
With a 2-4-2 pattern to meet the body's fluid needs during fasting, namely:
1. By drinking 2 glasses of water when breaking the fast
Drinking water when breaking the fast helps replace body fluids lost after a day of activity. Get used to breaking the fast with water and then continue with other foods. When breaking the fast, make sure to drink at least two glasses of water according to your needs. One glass during the Maghrib call to prayer and one glass before the Isya call to prayer
2. Next, drink 4 glasses of water during dinner
Then it is recommended to drink water regularly at night until bedtime. Drink 4 glasses of water at night divided into two glasses of water during meals, and two glasses of water before bedtime. Drinking water before and after meals can help smooth the process of digesting food.
3. Lastly, drink 2 glasses of water during sahur
Sahur is very important to energize the body during fasting. During sahur, drink at least two glasses of water, which can be divided into one glass when you wake up and one glass after eating sahur.
By fulfilling our fluid needs during fasting, it is hoped that the body can avoid dehydration. So that we can fast healthily and enthusiastically.
Fasting is also not a reason not to implement a healthy lifestyle, so continue to implement a healthy lifestyle by choosing a balanced nutritious iftar menu and doing light physical activities every day.
Healthy fasting, more enthusiastic activities, more active worship.