Medical Acupuncture Hermina Hospital Bekasi
Hello Hermina Friends, The Acupuncture Clinic of Hermina Hospital Bekasi is an option for you to maintain your health and improve your quality of life with the support of a competent and professional medical team. Acupuncture is a procedure that involves inserting small, fine needles into the skin. Acupuncture is also known as a supportive therapy that can reduce the symptoms of various health conditions. In addition to reducing pain, some symptoms of the disease are believed to be cured with acupuncture therapy. Here are some of the benefits of acupuncture for treatment are: Stress insomnia Fertility Problems Musculoskeletal Disorders Headaches and Migraines Menstrual Pain Allergy Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fibromyalgia Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Enjoy the convenience of other outpatient registrations through: 1. Hermina Mobile Application "Halo Hermina" (available on Playstore/Appstore) 2. Hermina Hospitals website 3. Call Center : 1500488