Self Registration Padma Polyclinic

Self Registration Padma Polyclinic

In order to facilitate the patient registration process at the Padma polyclinic, Hermina Padang Hospital provides an Auto Registration Pavilion (APM) machine for patients with  personal guarantee and insurance. The aim is to simplify the registration process, so that patients do not need to take another queue when registering for treatment. This machine can be operated directly by patients who come for treatment to do self-check-in and print registration documents/proofs.

Provisions for Patients Who Can Use the APM Machine:
1. The patient has made an Appointment/H-1 List
through the Halo Hermina Application
2. Patients who have been treated at Hermina Padang Hospital and
have a medical record number starting with 1310xxxxxx
3. Patients with private payments and Garda Medika Insurance

How to use the APM engine:
1. Open the Barcode for proof of appointment on the Halo Hermina Application
2. Click the Register menu
3. Scan the barcode on the machine's camera
4. Patient Data Validation. If the data is correct, select Appropriate
5. Then select Print to print Registration Proof
6. Take the printout results and report to the Nurse Station

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