Social Service of Hermina Hospital Karawang in Commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hemina Hospitals
On Friday 8 April 2022, RS Hermina Karawang with Karang Taruna Rw. 004 Dsn. Sukasari, Karawang Wetan Village, East Karawang District, Karawang Regency held a Tree Planting Social Service around the Kw Irrigation area. 04 Johar Embankment. This activity is part of the 37th anniversary of Hermina Hospitals in 2022.
This tree planting social service was directly led by dr. Martio Elmidia Putri as Deputy Medical Director of Hermina Karawang Hospital and Chile as Chair of the local Youth Organization and RW ranks represented by Enur Nurhalim.
Around 500 trees were successfully planted in this activity. These 500 trees come from 6 species, namely Teak, Trembesi, Cambodia, Banyan, Singon & Kabubuya. Local residents are very enthusiastic about this activity.
The benefits of this activity are expected to be felt by local residents, so that the local environment is greener.