Etika Batuk

Etika Batuk

Hello Hermina Friends...

Cough etiquette is a coughing procedure that is good and correct, by covering the nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve so that bacteria do not spread into the air and do not spread to other people. The main purpose of maintaining cough etiquette is to prevent the spread of a disease widely through free air (droplets) and to make people around it comfortable. These droplets can contain infectious germs that have the potential to be transmitted to other people around them through breathing air.

Individuals in the community can play a role in implementing this strategy, one of which is by applying correct coughing and sneezing etiquette. Seeing the habits of some people when interacting in public places or in crowds, it turns out that not many are 'literate' about how to cough and sneeze so as not to transmit the disease to others. The following cough etiquette can be followed:

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