Tangkubanpanprahu Hermina Hospital in collaboration with PT Majoo Teknologi Malang to carry out a Mini MCU (Medical Check Up) health check for employees of PT Majoo Teknologi Malang.

The form of activity includes a Mini MCU examination which is carried out starting from blood pressure, temporary glucose, cholesterol, and uric acid. In addition, participants can carry out direct consultation with a nutritionist regarding IMB. In the next session the event was continued with Hermina Talks with dr. Adhika Prastya Wikananda, Sp.JP Discusses about heart health and lifestyle. Several meeting participants said they were happy with this event. According to the statements of some of the participants, it is hoped that this activity will continue in the future and the cooperation that has been well established so far will be even better.

Thank you for the support from PT Majoo Teknologi Malang, I hope that by carrying out this activity, it is hoped that all employees of PT Majoo Teknologi Malang will be healthier and be able to carry out the mandate given properly.

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