Traffic Communication Activities and Safety Riding Training

Traffic Communication Activities and Safety Riding Training

Friends of Hermina, Jasa Raharja South Tangerang, and STIE Ganesha held a Traffic Communication Forum and Safety Riding Training activity. This activity was held in connection with the increasing cases of traffic accidents in the South Tangerang area. The participants in this activity were Students, lecturers, and Employees of STIE Ganesha, online motorcycle taxis, and the 90s Era Senior Crosser community. This activity was held at the STIE Ganesha Campus on Jl. Legoso Raya No. 31 Pisangan, East Ciputat District, South Tangerang City, on Sunday, July 23, 2023.


Hermina Ciputat Hospital was one of the resource persons for this activity as a hospital that has a Trauma Centre service that can serve traffic accident cases. The material was delivered by Mr. Ilham Rusdianto, S.S.T. Par, as Public Relations Manager. Hermina Ciputat Hospital's participation in this activity, apart from explaining the trauma centre service facilities, is expected to help traffic accident victims get proper treatment at the hospital.

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