RSU Hermina Pandanaran gynecology oncology services

RSU Hermina Pandanaran gynecology oncology services

RSU Hermina Pandanaran is here with Gynecological Oncology services to support women's health. With expert medical personnel, complete facilities, and a caring approach, we are ready to assist in the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of gynecological cancer patients.

For information on RSU Hermina Pandanaran services and facilities, please contact the RSU Hermina Pandanaran executive service staff
Mr. Rosa 087718110119
Mr. Lian 081326154283
Mr. Elis 085600001931

Trust the health care of Hermina Friends to us for a better and safer health journey.

#GynecologicalOncology #RSHerminaPandanaran #Women'sHealth"

RSU Hermina Pandanaran gynecology oncology services

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