79th Republic of Indonesia Anniversary Competition at RS Hermina Galaxy

79th Republic of Indonesia Anniversary Competition at RS Hermina Galaxy

Hermina Galaxy Hospital 79th Republic of Indonesia Anniversary Competition Event 

For further information, please contact the number: 0878-8199-7951 

Visit our social media accounts for information about doctor's practice schedules, health education, and other information at:

Instagram and Tiktok: @rsuherminagalaxy

Stay healthy, Hermina's friend
Enjoy easy registration via:
1. Hermina Mobile Application (available on Playstore/Appstore)
2. Website: www.herminahospitals.com
3. Call Center: 1500488

 #tenangdihermina #herminahospitals #herminacloser #rsuherminagalaxy #staysafe #stayhealthy

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