Care for Cataracts with an Eye Examination with Dr. Azaia Latuasan, Sp.M
Caring for Cataract Eyes in a series of programs at Posbindu Peruri to support this program, RSU Hermina Karawang collaborates, providing a free mini MCU consultation corner with services, health screening, Temporary Blood Sugar (GDS) checks, Blood Pressure Checks, in addition to cataract eye examinations with the aim of can provide outreach to the community so that people pay attention to cataracts. Apart from these examinations, there is socialization regarding superior programs and practice schedules for specialist doctors at RSU Hermina Karawang to participants who take a series of tests in our consultation corner. It is hoped that this consultation corner can increase public awareness of the importance of health for themselves and their families. Hermina Karawang Hospital is committed to continuing to support programs