Endourology Services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Endourology Services at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends,

Endourology (Minimally Invasive Surgery In Urology) is present at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital. Endourology is a procedure that uses an endoscope and equipment to look inside the urinary tract, as well as perform surgery. This method is a minimally invasive procedure which means the surgeon will only make small incisions or no incisions during the procedure.

Endourology Procedures Can Handle Cases of:
1. Enlarged prostate
2. Tumors in the bladder
3. Injuries / Trauma in the urinary tract
4. Stones in the urinary tract
5. Hysteroscopy
6. Cystoscopy

The procedure for using endourology can be carried out by a urologist with dr. Muhammad Royanul, Sp.U. Several obstetric procedures can also be performed with endourology equipment by a specialist in obstetrics & gynecology, consultant urogynecology, DR.dr. Erwinanto, Sp.OG(K). Get the convenience of registering for Hermina Pandanaran Hospital through the hermina mobile application, call center 1500488 and the website www.herminahospitals.com

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