Panoramic Examination at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Panoramic Examination at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends

Problems with Hermina's Friend's Teeth?
Currently, dental services at RSU Hermina Pandanaran are increasingly complete with panoramic/dental x-ray services. Friends can immediately go to the Dental Polyclinic of RSU Hermina Pandanaran to get the right treatment. Panoramic X-Ray aims to show a broad view of the teeth and bone in the soft tissues around the teeth. The doctor will use this procedure to look at the overall position of the upper and lower jaw teeth, teeth, sinuses, nasal area and joints in the jaw.

Some of the services include:
- Detection of advanced periodontal disease
- Cysts in the jawbone and jaw tumors, as well as oral cancer
- Impacted teeth including wisdom teeth
- Installation of braces

Get easy schedule and doctor registration through the Hermina mobile application, Website, or Call Center 1500 488

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