Signing of Hospital Collaboration Agreement. Hermina Makassar and Megaresky University Makassar
Signing of Hospital Collaboration Agreement. Hermina Makassar and Megarezky Makassar University by the Director of RS. Hermina Makassar, dr. Sulfikar Andi Goesli, MM, AAAK and Chancellor of Megarezky University, Prof. Dr. Anwar Ramli, SE., M.Si accompanied by Vice Chancellor IV Dr. Hj. Arfenty Amir, M.Pd on Thursday, July 4 2024 at the Multipurpose Room of the Hospital. Hermina Makassar, Jl. Toddopuli Raya Timur No. 7. This collaboration agreement concerns research, field work practices and recruitment of health graduates. Hopefully this collaboration can be useful and further establish good relations and relationships between hospitals. Hermina Makassar and Megarezky University.