Podcast "Recognize Constipation in Children"

Podcast "Recognize Constipation in Children"

Hermina's friend,
Let's learn about "Constipation in Children and How to Prevent It" with Dr. Sumardi Fransiskus S, SpA(K), a pediatrician consultant gastroenterologist at Hermina Bogor Hospital. 

link youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou4pxZ5oKYA&t=313s

If Hermina's Friends experience digestive health problems in children, you can consult a doctor at Hermina Bogor Hospital.

He practices every day:
Monday : 10.00 - 12.00 WIB


Stay healthy, Hermina friends!

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1. Hermina Mobile Application (available on the Play Store or App Store)
2. Website: www.herminahospitals.com
3. Call Center: 1500488
4. Hellodoc



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