Podcast "When TB Infection Attacks the Bones"
Hermina's friend, bone tuberculosis, is a bone and joint infection caused by tuberculosis bacteria. This occurs when these bacteria spread to the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms include pain, inflammation, and swelling of the bones and joints.
Come on, let's find out more with Dr. Aditya Jayamanggala, SpOT, a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology at RSU Hermina Bogor.
The following is his practice schedule:
Tuesday: 11.00–13.00 WIB
Saturday: 09.00–11.00 WIB
Appointment now: https://www.herminahospitals.com/id/doctors/dr-aditya-jayamanggala-spot
Enjoy easy registration via:
1. Hermina Mobile Application (available on the Play Store and App Store)
2. Website: www.herminahospitals.com
3. Call Center: 1500488
4. Hallodoc
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