Hermina Karawang Hospital held Compensation for Orphans in commemoration of the 3rd Birthday

Hermina Karawang Hospital held Compensation for Orphans in commemoration of the 3rd Birthday

In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary, Hermina Karawang Hospital held a series of social and religious activities as a form of gratitude for the establishment of the hospital.

One of the activities carried out is the provision of compensation to orphans. This event was held as a form of social care at Hermina Karawang Hospital for the surrounding community. Apart from that, Hermina Karawang Hospital also held an iftar which was attended by employees and specialist doctors. This activity aims to strengthen ties between people in the Hermina Karawang Hospital environment.

Hermina Karawang Hospital also held a tausyiah event led by Habib Sayyid Seif Alwi. In his tausyiah, Habib Sayyid Seif Alwi invited all participants to make more sense of work as worship and increase faith and piety. The tausyiah event was greeted enthusiastically by all the participants who attended.

Not only that, the event was also continued with the Maghrib prayer in congregation. All participants unite in prayer for the health and progress of Hermina Karawang Hospital and the surrounding community. The event was closed by cutting the Tumpeng which was carried out directly by the Director of Hermina Karawang Hospital, dr. Lina Zubaidah, MARS

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