Hermina Pasteur Hospital's commitment to continue providing excellent service to customers has finally paid off. This is reflected after successfully winning an award at the Mandiri Inhealth Business Agency Gathering event with Hermina Pasteur Hospital at Kiputih37 on Jl. Kiputih No.37, Ciumbuleuit, Cidadap District, Bandung City. Wednesday, February 26, 2025. This award was given as Mandiri Inhealth's appreciation to partner provider hospitals with the best service performance and cost control to support sustainable business growth for hospitals and Mandiri Inhealth. The Director of Hermina Pasteur Hospital, dr. Nur Kencanawati, MM., FISQua expressed her gratitude to Mandiri Inhealth for the appreciation given to Hermina Pasteur Hospital. "We will continue to make efforts, improvements, so that we remain the best in the future," she said. This award is the result of various efforts made to improve service to customers. Hermina Pasteur Hospital has, is, and continues to strive and endeavor to make improvements in health services both in outpatient and inpatient care. This effort is our commitment to provide better service.

Healthy with Hermina Pasteur

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