In 48 Branches, Hermina Hospital Has Collaborated With Leading Insurance Companies.
Greetings, Hermina Friends! Take use of the many conveniences offered by Hermina Hospitals, particularly Hermina Galaxy Hospital, for your registration and medical examination. Currently, 48 branches around Indonesia of Hermina Hospital work with prestigious insurance and business partners.
Please feel free to approach our qualified doctors at Hermina Galaxy RSU with any health issues you may be having, Hermina's friends. Visit our social media pages on Instagram and Tiktok at @rsuherminagalaxy to learn more about the hours of our doctors' offices, health information, and other topics.
Stay healthy Hermina Friend’s
Take advantage of the ease of registration through:
1. Hermina Mobile Aplikasi (tersedia di Playstore/Appstore)
2. Website:
3. Call Center: 1500488
4. Halodoc