Public Seminar "The Effects of Stress on Health" at PT BPJS Employment with Nayaka Insurance

Public Seminar "The Effects of Stress on Health" at PT BPJS Employment with Nayaka Insurance

Friends of Hermina, Hermina Ciputat Hospital in collaboration with nayakan insurance held a public seminar with the theme "The Effects of Stress on Health" delivered by dr. Rika Indah Wijayanti, Sp.KJ (Psychiatrist at Hermina Ciputat Hospital). Participants in this activity are employees of the new Kebayoran Employment BPJS.

This activity also informs the Company Product as well as notification of changes to the Hermina Hospital logo which has officially changed on August 23, 2023.

The hope of this activity is that participants care about mental health and understand that stress not only disturbs the psyche, but also has an impact on overall physical health and of course it will interfere with future performance.

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