Pregnancy Screening at Eka Midwife Clinic with Prenagen

Pregnancy Screening at Eka Midwife Clinic with Prenagen

Hermina Hospital together with Prenagen conducted a pregnancy screening activity at the Eka Ketaping Midwife Clinic in Padang Pariaman on Saturday, October 12, 2024. This activity was carried out directly by one of the obgyn doctors at Hermina Hospital in Padang, dr. Berri Rahmadhoni, Sp.OG. Pregnancy screening is carried out by examining the mother's pregnancy condition using ultrasound, the aim is to be able to monitor the progress of the pregnancy process and ensure the health of the mother and the growth and development of the fetus in it. In addition, this ultrasound examination is also carried out to find out any pregnancy complications that may occur during early pregnancy, so that treatment and prevention can be carried out immediately for a safe and healthy delivery for the mother and child. This pregnancy ultrasound activity was attended by 52 pregnant women participants who were in the working area of ​​the Eka Ketaping Midwife Clinic in Padang Pariaman Regency.

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