Has joined Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist Doctor dr. Febi Andri, Sp.OT at Hermina Ciputat Hospital

Has joined Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist Doctor dr. Febi Andri, Sp.OT at Hermina Ciputat Hospital

Hermina's friends, have joined the orthopedic and traumatology specialist doctor at Hermina Ciputat Hospital, dr. Febi Andri, Sp.OT.

What are the roles of orthopedic and traumatology specialists? And what diseases are treated? (Click Here)

Hopefully useful!

Hermina's friends, check the practice schedule of dr. Febi Andri, Sp.OT and make an appointment through:

1. Halo Hermina application (download on the Playstore or Appstore)

2. Hermina website www.herminahospitals.com 

3. Hermina call center 1500 488

4. JKN mobile application (for patients with JKN insurance (BPJS / KIS / Access)

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