Snoring and Sleep Disorder Clinic has been opened at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Snoring and Sleep Disorder Clinic has been opened at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Snoring and Sleep Disorder Clinic has been opened
at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

PSG or Polysomnography aims to monitor sleep patterns and body functions, such as breathing patterns, blood oxygen levels, heart rate rhythm, and limb movements.
This examination is generally performed at night, while asleep. Through this examination, doctors can also assess how long it takes to fall asleep. In addition to diagnosis, sleep studies may help determine a treatment plan if you have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder.

Here are some complaints that require Polysomnography examination, including:
- Sleeping with loud snoring
- ⁠Waking up suddenly with gasping breath
- ⁠Tired and sleepy during the day
- ⁠Restless while sleeping
- ⁠Difficulty sleeping, delayed sleep wake phase disorder, or taking a long time to fall asleep
- ⁠Sleep is not deep or not deep
- ⁠Often falling asleep suddenly without knowing the place

Types of diseases that require Polysomnogram examination are:
1. OSA (obstructive Sleep Apnea)
2. Post Stroke
3. Post Craniotomy (neurosurgery)
4. Sleep disorders

Get a special price for PSG examination at RSU Hermina Pandanaran. Get a special price for polysomnography examination at RSU Hermina Pandanaran.
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Mr. Rosa 087718110119
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