EEG Services are Present at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

EEG Services are Present at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Electroencephalography (EEG) examination has been attended at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a tool that functions to study images from recordings of electrical activity in the brain.

EEG examination is one of the main diagnostic tests for epilepsy. This examination can also play a role in diagnosing other brain disorders.

EEG examination can determine changes in brain activity that may be useful in diagnosing brain disorders, especially epilepsy or other seizure disorders. EEG is also useful for diagnosing or treating the following disorders:
• Brain tumor
• Brain damage due to head injury
• Brain dysfunction that can have various causes (encephalopathy)
• Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis)
• Trauma to the head
• Sleep disorders
• ⁠Seizures
• ⁠Epilepsy

An EEG examination is usually carried out when a doctor suspects a brain disorder, or when a person experiences symptoms of a disease related to a brain disorder. When carrying out this examination, preparation is of course needed so that the EEG examination results can be optimal.

For complete information regarding EEG services, please contact the executive service staff at RSU Hermina Pandanaran
Mr. Rosa 087718110119
Bd. Lian 081326154283
Bd. Elis 085600001931

Healthy with Hermina


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