Covid-19 Vaccination for Karawang Police Members at the Hermina Karawang Hospital

Covid-19 Vaccination for Karawang Police Members at the Hermina Karawang Hospital

Hello Friends of Hermina. Monday, March 8, 2021, the Karawang Police Offices underwent the Covid-19 vaccination at Lt. 2 Hermina Karawang Hospital. The vaccination process is carried out by the General Physician at Hermina Karawang Hospital. Before undergoing the vaccination process, the participants were called upon to answer several questions about their medical history and health conditions. In addition, blood pressure and temperature tests are carried out prior to the vaccination process. It is hoped that after vaccination, we must comply with 3M's advice, namely washing hands with soap in running water, wearing a mask and maintaining distance. Stay Safe & #TenangDiHermina

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