Prenatal class at Hermina Kemayoran Hospital

Prenatal class at Hermina Kemayoran Hospital

After the mother goes through a pregnancy with full of happiness, then the next thing that needs to be prepared is the birth of the baby. Mothers can also share experiences about the previous birth process, so that the next birth process can be passed more easily. Even better, Mother will get th...

What is DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) Head

What is DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) Head

Do you Hermina Friends, the term “Brain Washing” has recently become an interesting discussion not only among the general public but also among medical professionals. In the medical field, what is meant by “Brain Washing” is actually DSA (Digital Substraction Angiography), a procedure perform...

Sunday Poly Service at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Sunday Poly Service at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Friends of Hermina, germs that cause disease can come anytime and from anywhere Especially in the holiday season like this, we are less vigilant about maintaining our diet and health. This can make your resistance decrease, making Hermina's best friend susceptible to disease The polyclini...

General Polyclinic at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

General Polyclinic at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

The General Polyclinic is one of the types of services at Hermina Kemayoran Hospital that provides medical services in the form of health checks, treatment, and education to patients or to get well soon, avoid complications, and increase public knowledge and awareness in the health sector in gen...

Prescription Drugs at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Prescription Drugs at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Hi Hermina Friends, For the time being the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) stop the distribution, sale and distribution of medicines in liquid or syrup form and urge health workers not to prescribe/give syrup medicines and switch to non-syrups. To make it easier for Friends of Hermina to get ...



Hello Hermina Friends COME JOIN DIABETES MELLITUS EXERCISE ( DM) FREE Benefits of Gymnastics: 🌷 Helps control blood sugar 🌷 Maintain weight and balance 🌷 Reduce blood glucose levels 🌷 Improve blood circulation Implementation: 🗓️ Every Saturday ⏰ at 07.00 WIB RS Hermina Kemayoran ...

Ministry of Health Accreditation Standards for 2022

Ministry of Health Accreditation Standards for 2022

Hermina Kemayoran Hospital Passed Accreditation at Paripura Level according to Ministry of Health Accreditation Standards for 2022 This certificate is given as an acknowledgment that the Hospital has met the Hospital Accreditation Standards according to the Ministry of Health, especially in ...

Panoramic X-Ray at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Panoramic X-Ray at RSU Hermina Kemayoran

Problems with Hermina's Friend's Teeth? Currently, Dental Services at RSU Hermina Kemayoran are increasingly complete with panoramic/dental X-ray services. Friends of Hermina can immediately go to the Dental Polyclinic of RSU Hermina Kemayoran to get the right treatment. Panoramic X-Ray aims to ...

Expanding Services, Hermina Hospital to Build International Standard Hospital in IKN

Expanding Services, Hermina Hospital to Build International Standard Hospital in IKN

Jakarta, June 21, 2023 - Hermina Hospital and PT Bina Karya (Persero) signed a cooperation agreement to build an international standard hospital in the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) area. The event was held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at Hermina Tower, Central Jakarta. The construction ...

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