Health Talk Event with Elderly Cadres

Health Talk Event with Elderly Cadres

Health Talk Event with the theme of DM & Consultation with General Practitioners with Elderly Cadres What Has Been On: Saturday, 12 November 2022 In Karangasem sub-district #CalmDiHermin #HerminaMoreClose

BRI Employee MCU Results Consultation Activities, Slamet Riyadi

BRI Employee MCU Results Consultation Activities, Slamet Riyadi

BRI Employee MCU Examination Result Consultation, Slamet Riyadi Has taken place on: Tuesday 2 November 2022 #HerminaCloser #QuietDiHermina

" Recognizing Stress and Anxiety "

" Recognizing Stress and Anxiety "

Seminar event with Prof.Dr.dr.Aris Sudiyanto,SpKJ(K) with the theme "Stress and Anxiety" The Event Has Been On: Saturday, October 22, 2022 At Hotel Solo Paragon #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser

Seminar Event at RSU Hermina Solo with Dr. Adrianus Setyawan Adhitama

Seminar Event at RSU Hermina Solo with Dr. Adrianus Setyawan Adhitama

Seminar Activities with Dr. Adrianus Setyawan Adhitama (General Physician at Hermina Solo Hospital) with the theme "Healthy Body, Happy Life, Smooth Fortune" The Event Has Been On: Sunday 16 October 2022 at Transmart Pabelan #HerminaCloser #QuietDiHermina

Counseling on Early Detection of Growth and Development in Children With Resource Person Dr. Cahalafa Shinta,Spa

Counseling on Early Detection of Growth and Development in Children With Resource Person Dr. Cahalafa Shinta,Spa

Counseling on the theme "Early Detection of Growth and Development in Children" with resource person Dr. Cahalafa Shinta, SpA Activities have taken place on: Tuesday 11 October 2022 at the Manahan Public Health Center #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser

Survey Kepuasan Pasien TW 3 RSU Hermina Solo

Survey Kepuasan Pasien TW 3 RSU Hermina Solo

Hallo Sahabat Hermina Sahabat hermina tidak perlu meragukan pelayanan di RS Hermina Solo ya Yuk simak bersama survei kepuasan pasien rawat inap di RS Hermina Solo untuk TW 2 Informasi lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran dapat melalui : - Call Center 1500488 - Customer Service 0821 3552 2454 - Aplikasi ...

Survey Kepuasan Pasien TW 2 RSU Hermina Solo

Survey Kepuasan Pasien TW 2 RSU Hermina Solo

Hallo Sahabat Hermina Sahabat hermina tidak perlu meragukan pelayanan di RS Hermina Solo ya Yuk simak bersama survei kepuasan pasien rawat inap di RS Hermina Solo untuk TW 3 Informasi lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran dapat melalui : - Call Center 1500488 - Customer Service 0821 3552 2454 - Aplikasi ...

GDS MCU Activities & Doctor Consultation with Telkom Retirees

GDS MCU Activities & Doctor Consultation with Telkom Retirees

RSU Hermina Solo Held MCU GDS Activities & Doctor Consultation with Telkom Retirees Activities Have Been On: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 06:00 - Done #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser

RSU Hermina Solo Osteoporosis Counseling at PLN Office for Retired Wives

RSU Hermina Solo Osteoporosis Counseling at PLN Office for Retired Wives

Hermina's friends are certainly familiar with Osteoporosis, which means porous bones RSU Hermina Solo has held Osteoporosis counseling for PLN retired wives, the event has taken place on: Friday 09 September 2022 #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHermina

RSU Hermina Solo Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees KC Solo Baru

RSU Hermina Solo Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees KC Solo Baru

RSU Hermina Solo Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees KC Solo Baru What Happened, On: Friday 09 September 2022 #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHerminaSolo

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities Antigen for BRI Employees at the Best Western Solo Baru Hotel

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities Antigen for BRI Employees at the Best Western Solo Baru Hotel

Rapid Antigen Activities for BRI Employees Have Been Held On: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 At the New Best Western Solo Hotel #QuietDiHermina #HerminaCloser #RSUHerminaSolo

Counseling Monkeypox RSU Hermina Solo at Bank Indonesia with resource person Dr. Intan Rengganis, SpPD

Counseling Monkeypox RSU Hermina Solo at Bank Indonesia with resource person Dr. Intan Rengganis, SpPD

Monkeypox or often referred to as monkey pox, has recently been enough to make the whole world restless, including Indonesia. Counseling Monkeypox RSU Hermina Solo at Bank Indonesia with resource person Dr. Intan Rengganis, SpPD Has been held on: Thursday 18 August 2022 #Quiet...

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