Lebih Cepat dan Akurat dengan CT Scan

Lebih Cepat dan Akurat dengan CT Scan

Halo sobat Hermina .. Deteksi dini penyakit anda dengan lebih akurat dan cepat, melalui layanan CT Scan di RSU Hermina Manado. #tenangdihermina #herminalebihdekat #herminahospitals #herminamanado #rsuherminamanado #ctscan

Telah Hadir Sleep Clinic di RSU Hermina Manado

Telah Hadir Sleep Clinic di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sobat Hermina .. Anda mengalami gangguan tidur ? Telah hadir di RSU Hermina Manado SLEEP CLINIC Melayani Konsultasi : Gangguan Tidur Pemeriksaan PSG Tatalaksana Gangguan Tidur Bersamadr. Riane Anggreani, Sp.N, Fellow of sleep disorder



Hello Hermina Friends, Let's find out how to handle diarrhea early

Nutrition Balance

Nutrition Balance

Hello Hermina Friends... Let's get to know what is balanced nutrition?



Hello Hermina Friends, What is Physiotherapy?



Hallo Sahabat Hermina, Untuk sementara waktu Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) menghentikan peredaran, penjualan dan pemberian obat-obatan dalam bentuk cair atau sirup serta menghimbau para tenaga kesehatan untuk tidak meresepkan/memberikan obat sirup dan beralih ke non-sirup. Untuk memudahk...



Hello Hermina Friends... Let's find out the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding



Hello Hermina Friends... Let's find out the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding



ERACS stands for Enhanced Recovery After Cesarean Surgery, a caesarean section procedure with a special approach to optimize the health and safety of mother and baby in the period before, during, and after undergoing caesarean section. Advantages of births using the ERACS method: Pain mana...



Hello Hermina Friends... - Echocardiography (ECHO) is a medical device to examine the structure and function of the heart using ultrasonic waves. Through Echocardiography, doctors can examine parts of the heart to help make a diagnosis in patients with heart disease. The parts that are examin...

Perbedaan USG

Perbedaan USG

Hallo Sahabat Hermina... Ayo Konsultasikan Kesehatan Kandungan Bunda di RS Umum Hermina Manado bersama dengan dokter-dokter kandungan terbaik di Manado ✨ ============================= Membuat appoitment konsultasi dengan dokter spesialis dan Informasi lebih lanjut bisa melalui : 1. Hermina...

Etika Batuk

Etika Batuk

Hello Hermina Friends... Cough etiquette is a coughing procedure that is good and correct, by covering the nose and mouth with a tissue or sleeve so that bacteria do not spread into the air and do not spread to other people. The main purpose of maintaining cough etiquette is to prevent the sp...

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