Seminar Awam "Pencegahan dari Ancaman Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Keluarga“ yang di ada kan oleh Takeda & Anakku Media berkerja sama dengan  RS Hermina Palembang

Seminar Awam "Pencegahan dari Ancaman Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Keluarga“ yang di ada kan oleh Takeda & Anakku Media berkerja sama dengan RS Hermina Palembang

Seminar Awam dengan tema "Pencegahan dari Ancaman Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Keluarga“yang di ada kan oleh Takeda & Anakku Media berkerja sama dengan RS Hermina Palembang Halo sahabat hermina... Demam Berdarah Dengue adalah salah satu penyakit menular berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan k...

General Polyclinic Services Have Been Opened

General Polyclinic Services Have Been Opened

Hello Hermina Friends 👋 RSU Hermina Purwokerto has opened a General Polyclinic service. General Polyclinic Services include: -General inspection -Insurance referral -Medical Check Up -Newborn baby piercing -Adult vaccines -Inject vitamins -GV -Medical support -Etc Access to regist...

 Has joined a fulltime obgyn specialist at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Has joined a fulltime obgyn specialist at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Hello Hermina Friends, Has joined a full-time obstetrics and gynecology specialist (Obgyn) at RSU Hermina Pandanaran dr. Norman Aji Triantoro, Sp.OG. For Hermina's friends who want to consult about obstetrics and gynecology with Dr. Norman Aji T, Sp.OG can register via the Halo Hermina mob...

List of Insurance and Companies Collaborating with RSU Hermina Padang

List of Insurance and Companies Collaborating with RSU Hermina Padang

Hermina Hospital Padang has cooperated with many agencies/companies and health insurance as guarantors when carrying out treatment at RSU Hermina Padang, from within Padang City to all over Indonesia. Don't forget to check whether insurance or Friends of Hermina's company has collaborated or not

Hermina Pandanaran RSU Psychologist Services

Hermina Pandanaran RSU Psychologist Services

Hello Hermina Friends, RSU Hermina Pandanaran provides psychological services carried out by clinical psychologists by carrying out psychological assessments/testing, diagnosis, counseling, and also psychological therapy/intervention, with the aim of helping clients become more prosperous (we...

 Inauguration of the Information Counter and QR Portal

Inauguration of the Information Counter and QR Portal

Bogor branch of the Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) Health, Inaugurated the BPJS Health information service counter and Quick Response Portal (POROS) at Hermina Hospital Bogor, Friday (29/9/2023) Inaugurated directly by the Head of BPJS Health Bogor Branch, Idham Kholid and the Dire...

"Gigi yang Tahan Lama: Rahasia Mengatasi Tantangan Kesehatan dan Estetika"

"Gigi yang Tahan Lama: Rahasia Mengatasi Tantangan Kesehatan dan Estetika"

Halo Sahabat Hermina.... Ayok saksikan live instagram @rsuherminapalembang Hermina Talk bersama pembicara drg. Billy Sujatmiko,Sp.KG tentang "Gigi yang Tahan Lama: Rahasia Mengatasi Tantangan Kesehatan dan Estetika" Pada Hari : Jumat Tanggal : 29 September 2023 Jam : 15.00 s.d Selesai ...

Rujuk Pasien di RSU Hermina Manado melalui SPGDT

Rujuk Pasien di RSU Hermina Manado melalui SPGDT

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Kami memberikan kemudahan bagi anda yang ingin merujuk pasien ke RSU Hermina Manado dengan Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Terpadu dan Untuk jaminan kecelakan kami juga sudah bekerja sama dengan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Jasa Raharja dan TASPEN.

Working Visit to the Company PT. Hilcon Jaya Sakti

Working Visit to the Company PT. Hilcon Jaya Sakti

As a step to improve quality and patient service, Hermina Kendari Hospital routinely conducts working visits to Hermina Kendari Hospital partners to explore patient treatment service experiences. Constructive criticism and suggestions from partners are really needed as an evaluation for officers...

Cataract Screening and Socialization Activities

Cataract Screening and Socialization Activities

Cataract screening and socialization has been carried out in the elderly congregation at St. Catholic Church. Fransiskus ASSISI which is located on Jl. Lt. Gen. Hertasning Makassar which was attended by around 50 elderly people. RS. Hermina Makassar conducted screening and outreach to church c...

 Wow, it's already live! Hermina Podcast "Children eat while playing with gadgets, how dangerous is it for the eyes?

Wow, it's already live! Hermina Podcast "Children eat while playing with gadgets, how dangerous is it for the eyes?

We often see parents tend to take shortcuts when their child doesn't want to eat, from offering what the child wants to giving the child a gadget to watch their favorite cartoon videos. Of course, this cannot be justified because it can harm your child's eyes, especially those who have not actu...

Parenting Class: Recognizing and Preventing Respiratory Tract Infections (ARI) in Aisyiyah Kindergarten 85 Trensains

Parenting Class: Recognizing and Preventing Respiratory Tract Infections (ARI) in Aisyiyah Kindergarten 85 Trensains

The air pollution that is currently occurring, especially in the Jabodetabek area, certainly makes parents worried. Moreover, the increasing number of ISPA cases is caused by air pollution. Aisyiyah 85 Trensains Kindergarten and Hermina CIputat Hospital held a Panrenting Class activity for paren...

Displaying item 1237-1248 of 2422 in total
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