Hermina Talks: The Challenge of Cervical Cancer Free Indonesia

Hermina Talks: The Challenge of Cervical Cancer Free Indonesia

Hello Hermina Friends This time Hermina Talks will discuss the Challenge of Cervical Cancer. With dr. Sutrisno, M.Kes., Sp.OG., Subsp. ONK (K) Cervical cancer is cancer that appears in cells in the cervix. This cancer occurs when there are cells in the cervix alias cervix that are not norm...

Hermina Solo Hospital for Cataract Screening at the PLN Purwosari Clinic

Hermina Solo Hospital for Cataract Screening at the PLN Purwosari Clinic

The Event Has Taken Place: On, Saturday 12 August 2023 At PLN Purwosari Clinic #Cataract #ScreeningCataract #HerminaMoreClose

Daihatsu Sales Operation's MCU with Hermina Podomoro Hospital

Daihatsu Sales Operation's MCU with Hermina Podomoro Hospital

A Medical Check-Up (MCU) or regular health examination has several important benefits for company employees. MCU is not only beneficial for the personal well-being of employees but also has a positive impact on overall productivity and company performance. MCU can also help identify health risks...

Hermina Padang Hospital Home Visit

Hermina Padang Hospital Home Visit

Hermina Padang Hospital Home Visit, is one of the activities of the Hermina Padang Hospital medical team which aims to monitor the patient's developmental conditions such as in the recovery phase or illness recovery including post surgery. In addition to monitoring the patient's health condition...

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Onkologi

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Onkologi

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Onkologi RSU Hermina Medan memiliki Layanan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Onkologi Beliau dapat menangani berbagai jenis kanker di daerah organ tubuh seperti : 1. Payudara 2. Paru - paru 3. Usus 4. Hati 5. Pankreas 6. Kandung Kemih dll Bagi...



Acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation (STEMI) is a sudden occlusion of the arteries in the epicardial coronary arteries with ST segment elevation EKG images. Non-adherence rate of giving drug therapy in accordance with the STEMI clinical practice guideline (PPK) in the emergency d...

Quality Indicators of Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital for the Second Quarter of 2023

Quality Indicators of Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital for the Second Quarter of 2023

Hello Hermina Friends, here are the Quality indicators of Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital for the Second Quarter of 2023 Don't forget to follow the Instagram account @rsuherminadaanmogot to get interesting information about health, health events, education and health promotion from RSU Hermina Da...

Actions THat Can Be Taken At Hospital Hermina Yogya

Actions THat Can Be Taken At Hospital Hermina Yogya

The Specialist Doctor is complete, come on...Hermina's friends know what actions can be taken at Hermina Yogya Hospital Doctor's practice schedule and registration can be through the Hermina Hospitals website, select the Hermina Yogya Hospital branch, or call center at 1500 488 https://herminah...

Dengue fever remains a serious concern in many areas, and staying informed about its prevention and related symptoms is crucial for maintaining community health. With this goal in mind, a recent health education session was conducted in collaboration with a general practitioner to enhance our un...

Hermina Road To School SMP 01 Kendari

Hermina Road To School SMP 01 Kendari

The Hermina Road to School activity is Hermina Kendari's visit to schools around Hermina Kendari Hospital, by providing health education delivered by general practitioners and specialists at Hermina Kendari Hospital, education about "The Importance of Breakfast" delivered by dr. Darmalianti Rahi...

Audiometry examination at Hermina Makassar Hospital

Audiometry examination at Hermina Makassar Hospital

Hello Hermina friends, Hermina Makassar Hospital provides audiometric examination facilities. Friends of Hermina can check hearing function to check a person's hearing function by listening to certain sounds, tones, or frequencies. This medical examination is carried out to find out whether th...

Quality Indicators of Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital for the First Quarter of 2023

Quality Indicators of Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital for the First Quarter of 2023

Hello Hermina Friends, here are the quality indicators of Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital for the First Quarter of 2023 Don't forget to follow the Instagram account @rsuherminadaanmogot to get interesting information about health, health events, education and health promotion from RSU Hermina Daa...

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