Drug Delivery Services at RSU Hermina Makassar

Drug Delivery Services at RSU Hermina Makassar

Hello Hermina Friends, Good news for Friends of Hermina who are busy or in a hurry while waiting for the queue for medicine, they don't have to worry anymore and wait in long queues for medicine. RSU Hermina Makassar provides drug delivery services. Terms and Conditions for a maximum of 5 KM de...

Health Talk: "Sex Education at an Early Age"

Health Talk: "Sex Education at an Early Age"

At present, not a few people, both teenagers and adults, still consider things related to reproduction taboo, so this triggers a feeling of discomfort when discussing it and tends to avoid such topics. If this stigma is left unchecked and continues to develop in the community, it will have a ser...

Free ENT Counseling & Examination at the Karawang City Health Center

Free ENT Counseling & Examination at the Karawang City Health Center

Hermina Karawang Hospital together with the Karawang City Health Center held ENT Counseling and Examination with ENT Specialists at Hermina Karawang Hospital dr. Adi Januar Akbar, SpTHT-KL. This activity was carried out at the Karawang City Health Center which is located at Jl. Gen. Ahmad Yani, ...

Geriatric Clinic at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Geriatric Clinic at RSU Hermina Pandanaran

Hello Hermina Friends, Hermina Pandanaran Hospital has geriatric clinic services. Geriatric patients are elderly patients aged over 60 years or more who experience health problems. TIPS FOR BEING HEALTHY ELDERLY 1. IMPLEMENTING A HEALTHY DIET: A balanced diet with increased consumption of...

Sunday Poly at RSU Hermina Solo

Sunday Poly at RSU Hermina Solo

Hello Hermina Solo Friends! RSU Hermina Solo has Sunday Poly services, you know, now for tomorrow Sunday, January 22, 2023 Doctors who can practice are ophthalmologists. For Friends of Hermina who have complaints, you can consult at the Sunday Poly. Registration & further information c...

Nikmati kemudahan pendaftaran melalui : 1. Hermina Mobile Aplikasi (tersedia di Playstore/Appstore) 2. Website : www.herminahospitals.com 3. Call Center : 1500488 4. Hallodoc #herminalebihdekat #HerminaHospitals #rsuherminabanyumanik #staysafe #stayhealthy

Meet and Greet Company Insurance with Hermina Solo Hospital

Meet and Greet Company Insurance with Hermina Solo Hospital

Insurance & Company Gathering with RSU Hermina Solo The event took place on Friday 20 January 2023 at Megaland Hotel Solo #CalmDiHermina #HerminaMoreClose

 Healthy Gymnastics at RSU Hermina Kendari

Healthy Gymnastics at RSU Hermina Kendari

Hermina Kendari's healthy gymnastics is carried out every Friday at the end of the month and at the beginning of the month in order to nourish the employees of Hermina Kendari Hospital and make it a socialization event among the surrounding community. suppress excessive BMI (Body Mass Index) and...

Signing of Cooperation Extension Hermina Metland Cibitung Hospital with BPJS Kesehatan

Signing of Cooperation Extension Hermina Metland Cibitung Hospital with BPJS Kesehatan

Hello Hermina Friends, currently the development of the BPJS Health Mobile application continues to be carried out for the convenience of patients. Which is a concrete manifestation of BPJS Health's commitment to providing easy access and optimal service for participants. Hermina Metland Cibitun...

Health Talk: "Early Detection and Management of Hydrocephalus"

Health Talk: "Early Detection and Management of Hydrocephalus"

Friends of Hermina, Hydrocephalus, or the accumulation of fluid in the brain that causes the baby's head to enlarge, can actually be prevented and detected in a simple way, namely by measuring head circumference. On this occasion, Hermina Hospital had the opportunity to participate in the Health...

Telah Hadir Sleep Clinic di RSU Hermina Manado

Telah Hadir Sleep Clinic di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sobat Hermina .. Anda mengalami gangguan tidur ? Telah hadir di RSU Hermina Manado SLEEP CLINIC Melayani Konsultasi : Gangguan Tidur Pemeriksaan PSG Tatalaksana Gangguan Tidur Bersamadr. Riane Anggreani, Sp.N, Fellow of sleep disorder

Hermina's friend, Come on, consult your child's health problems with the pediatric subspecialist doctor at Hermina Bogor Hospital. Bogor Hermina Hospital has four sub-specialist doctors for children, namely: Albert Daniel S, SpA(K) dr. He is a pediatric intensive care consultant for chil...

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