Uroflowmetry Examination

Uroflowmetry Examination

UROFLOWMETRI The simplest uroflowmetry examination can be done by collecting the amount of urine and then counting the time to urinate using a stopwatch. When urinating normally, the initial urine will run slowly. Over time the speed will increase until the bladder is empty. Towards empty, the...

ESWL Services at Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital

ESWL Services at Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends.. Urinary tract stones are defined as the formation of stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Symptoms that are usually experienced by people with kidney stones are pain in the waist that comes and goes, always wanting to urinate, to bloody urine in certain c...

"Puasa Sehat Bersama RS Hermina Palembang & Radio Momea FM Palembang"

"Puasa Sehat Bersama RS Hermina Palembang & Radio Momea FM Palembang"

Hermina Talk Bersama Dokter-Dokter Spesialis RS Hermina Palembang dengan tema "Puasa Sehat Bersama RS Hermina PAlembang & RAdio Momea FM PAlembang" Setiap Hari Kamis (Selama Bulan Puasa)Jam 11.00 s/d Selesai Live On Instagram @rsuherminapalembang



In commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hermina Hospitals. On Tuesday, April 12, 2022, Hermina Mekarsari Hospital held a Social Service activity in the form of a Go Green Activity, planting 100 fruit trees in the Cileungsi District Field as well as a representative house for the Cileungsi ar...



In commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hermina Hospitals. On Friday 09 Fenruari 2022, Hermina Mekarsari Hospital held a Blood Donation Social Service at Hermina Mekarsari Hospital. The Blood Donation activity is an activity that is routinely carried out every 3 months at Hermina Mekarsari ...

Hermina Talks "Efek Penggunaan Sepatu Yang Kurang Tepat Dalam Jangka Panjang"

Hermina Talks "Efek Penggunaan Sepatu Yang Kurang Tepat Dalam Jangka Panjang"

Sahabat Hermina, Yuk saksikan"Efek Penggunaan Sepatu YangKurang Tepat Dalam Jangka Panjang" di program acaraIG Live Hermina Talks bersama Sunia Cahyani, Amd.Ft dan Martina RW. S, Amd.Ft beliau merupakanterapis fisiotherapy klinik tumbuh kembang di RS Hermina Bogor. Hari : Kamis, 14April 20...

Jadwal Imsakiyah Wilayah Bogor dan Sekitarnya

Jadwal Imsakiyah Wilayah Bogor dan Sekitarnya

Jadwal imsakiyah Wilayah Bogor dan sekitarnyamenjadi panduan bagi umat Islam dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa ramadhan 1443 H.Dengan mengetahui jadwal imsak dan buka puasa, Umat Islam bisa sahur dan berbuka puasa sesuai dengan waktunya.Dengan mengetahui jadwal imsak dan buka puasa, Umat Islam bisa...

SOCIAL SERVICES HERMINA MEKARSARI Hospital, Cleaning Sadang River in Cileungsi Area

SOCIAL SERVICES HERMINA MEKARSARI Hospital, Cleaning Sadang River in Cileungsi Area

In commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hermina Hospitals. On Friday, April 1, 2022, Hermina Mekarsari Hospital held a Social Service for Cleaning the Sadang River in the area around the Hospital. The activity is carried out as an environmental sustainability program that supports governm...

Klinik Tumbuh Kembang

Klinik Tumbuh Kembang

Hallo Sahabat Hermina... Di masa pandemi covid-19 seperti ini terjadi peningkatan jumlah kasus anak berkebutuhan khusus, salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya stimulus sensory pada anak karena adanya pembatasan berkegiatan. Upaya yang bisa dilakukan oleh orang tua yaitu memberikan pelayanan ...

Bakti Sosial RS Hermina Metland Cibitung dalam rangka HUT Hermina ke-37

Bakti Sosial RS Hermina Metland Cibitung dalam rangka HUT Hermina ke-37

Kegiatan edukasi konsultasi dan informasi kesehatan dari RS Hermina Metland Cibitung kepada masyarakat sekitar Perumaham Metland Cibitung dan warga sekitar desa Telaga Murni dalam rangka peringata Hut Hermina ke-37, yang dilakukan pada tanggal 26 Maret 2022. Kegiatan ini berupa Konsultasi Kes...

Social Service of Hermina Hospital Karawang in Commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hemina Hospitals

Social Service of Hermina Hospital Karawang in Commemoration of the 37th Anniversary of Hemina Hospitals

On Friday 8 April 2022, RS Hermina Karawang with Karang Taruna Rw. 004 Dsn. Sukasari, Karawang Wetan Village, East Karawang District, Karawang Regency held a Tree Planting Social Service around the Kw Irrigation area. 04 Johar Embankment. This activity is part of the 37th anniversary of Hermina ...

Imsakiyah Schedule for Malang City

Imsakiyah Schedule for Malang City

The imsakiyah schedule for the city of Malang is a guide for Muslims in carrying out the fasting worship of Ramadhan 1443 H. By knowing the schedule for the imsak and iftar, Muslims can have sahur and iftar according to their time. Download the following link to find out the complete schedule fo...

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