RSU Hermina Solo Health Talk "Maintaining Health in Women" with dr. Arieffah, Sp. DVE, FINSDV

RSU Hermina Solo Health Talk "Maintaining Health in Women" with dr. Arieffah, Sp. DVE, FINSDV

The event took place on: Wednesday, 07 August 2024 at The Park Mall Solo Baru #rsuherminasolo #calmdihermina #herminacloser #GlamBeauty

RSU Hermina Solo Medical Checkup with PLN Pensioners

RSU Hermina Solo Medical Checkup with PLN Pensioners

These activities took place on: Saturday, 03 August 2024 #MCU #rsuherminasolo #calmdihermina #herminacloser

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities: Socialization of Health Services at BRI KC Sudirman

Hermina Solo Hospital Activities: Socialization of Health Services at BRI KC Sudirman

The event took place on: Friday, 02 August 2024 at BRI KC Sudirman #rsuherminasolo #calmdihermina #herminacloser

Pemeriksaan Mini MCU, Vaksinasi Karyawan PT. Bank Muamalat bersama RS Hermina Palembang

Pemeriksaan Mini MCU, Vaksinasi Karyawan PT. Bank Muamalat bersama RS Hermina Palembang

Halo sahabat hermina... Pada hari jumat tim RS Hermina melakukan Pemeriksaan Mini MCU & Vaksinasi Influenzabersama Bank Muamalat & RS Hermina Palembang di ikuti 40 karyawan yang melakukan mini MCU dan 19 karyawan vaksinasi influenza pada hari Rabu14Agustus 2024. Ikuti terus info se...

Lomba Cerdas Cermat Kolaborasi dalam rangka HUT BPJS Kesehatan yang ke-56 Tahun

Lomba Cerdas Cermat Kolaborasi dalam rangka HUT BPJS Kesehatan yang ke-56 Tahun

Selamat kepada dr. Reny Puspita, MARS.,MH(Ketua ARSSI Cabang Sumatera Selatan) dr. Taufik Aritama & dr. Suci Indah Sari perwakilan dari Kepwil III atas diraihnya Juara 3 Lomba Cerdas Cermat Kolaborasi dalam rangka HUT BPJS Kesehatan yang ke-56 Tahun.

Cervical Cancer Needs to be Watched Out For!

Cervical Cancer Needs to be Watched Out For!

Cervical Cancer is cancer of the cervix - the lower part of the uterus that connects the uterus and vagina Cervical Cancer does not happen suddenly. It usually takes years, although sometimes it can happen in a shorter time When a woman is infected with a certain type of HPV and the body's...

Health Check Event for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Hermina Galaxy Hospital in South Bekasi District

Health Check Event for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Hermina Galaxy Hospital in South Bekasi District

Health Check Event for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day at Hermina Galaxy Hospital in South Bekasi District. Health Examination and Consultation Activities by General Practitioners at Hermina Galaxy Hospital in the Commemoration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day in South Bekasi Distric...

Launching of the Code Stroke Flagship Service at Hermina Hospital Makassar

Launching of the Code Stroke Flagship Service at Hermina Hospital Makassar

The inauguration activity of Code Stroke Hospital's flagship service has been carried out. Hermina Makassar on August 9 2024 at the Multipurpose Room, Floor 4, Hermina Makassar Hospital. Code stroke is a health protocol implemented in hospitals to speed up the treatment of stroke patients. Cod...

Pemeriksaan MCU bersama Karyawan PT Besmindo Materi Sewatama Palembang

Pemeriksaan MCU bersama Karyawan PT Besmindo Materi Sewatama Palembang

Halo sahabat hermina... Pada hari Sabtu 10 Agustus 2024 Karyawan PT Besmindo Materi Sewatama melakukan pemeriksaan MCU bersama RS Hermina Palembang yang di lakukan di poli lantai 3 RS Hermina Palembang. Terimakasih telah mempercayai RS Hermina Palembang untuk melakukan Medical Check Up untuk se...

HerminaTalks RS Hermina Pekalongan "Benefits of Pregnancy Gymnastics for Mother & Fetus"

HerminaTalks RS Hermina Pekalongan "Benefits of Pregnancy Gymnastics for Mother & Fetus"

Hello Friends of Hermina. Let's join a casual talk with Midwife Ika Riyanti, Amd. Keb, with the topic "The benefits of pregnancy exercises for maternal and fetal health". . 🗓️ Wednesday, August 14, 2024 ⏰ At 13.00 WIB LIVE on IG @rsuherminapekalongan Registration service of RS Hermina Pek...



Hello Hermina Friends, To support community activities and Posyandu in the Cileungsi area. On Saturday, August 10 2024 Hermina Mekarsari Hospital in collaboration with Posyandu Citra Mutiara which is located in the Bumi Mutiara Housing area Rw 34 Bojong Kulur held an immunization activity for to...

Joint health education between Pringrejo Village, West Pekalongan and Hermina Hospital Pekalongan.

Joint health education between Pringrejo Village, West Pekalongan and Hermina Hospital Pekalongan.

On August 9, 2024, a health education activity was held which was attended by PKK cadres in Pringrejo Village, Pekalongan City with Dr. Caesar as a resource person with the theme of the importance of protecting the body from hypertension.

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