Gathering at RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Gathering at RSU Hermina Purwokerto

Hello Hermina Friends👋🏻 Hermina RSU together with the First Health Facility & Referral Hospital held Sambung Sedulur Gathering🎉 With Material: 1. “Chronic Kidney Disease” by Dr. Dr. Haidar Alatas, Sp. PD-KGH., MH., MM 2. "Hypertension in Pregnancy" by Dr. Benza Asa Dicaraka, Sp. OG, F....

Parenting Health Education RS Hermina Pekalongan dr Fanny Pritaningrum, Sp.A

Parenting Health Education RS Hermina Pekalongan dr Fanny Pritaningrum, Sp.A

Health education with the theme "Generation Plus Inspires the World" parenting with mothers from TK Plus Al Burhan Simbang Kulon South Pekalongan.



Pekanbaru, 21 April 2024 - PT Texcal Energy Mahato, a Mahato oil and gas block operator company that is committed to employee safety and welfare, has successfully held an emergency drill for Medical Evacuation Serious Injury Casualty Emergency Drill Exercise. This activity took place at Hermina ...

What's New ?

What's New ?

Hello Hermina friends, there's something new at RS Hermina Ciruas.. Starting from May 10, 2024, Kamala outpatient clinic services have moved to building 2 of RS Hermina Ciruas. Additionally, there are additions of inpatient rooms and a larger parking area in this building.. 🥳 Hopefully, it's mo...

Gathering to ask for forgiveness

Gathering to ask for forgiveness

RSU Hermina Serpong held Halal Bihalal activities in the context of Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1445 H. Located in the Multipurpose Room, Wednesday (24/04/2024). This routine activity was attended by all employees of Hermina Serpong Hospital, the event started at 09.00 WIB until finished. Director of ...

Come on, let's get to know 4D ultrasound

Come on, let's get to know 4D ultrasound

Sahabat Hermina, nikmati kemudahan akses untuk cek jadwal dan buat janji atau pendaftaran dengan dokter melalui: 1. Aplikasi Halo Hermina (download di playsotre atau appstore) 2. Website Hermina (Klik link yang ada di bio) 3. Call centre hermina 1500 488 4. Aplikas...

Hermina Bogor Chemotherapy Service will soon be opened

Hermina Bogor Chemotherapy Service will soon be opened

Chemotherapy services will soon be opened at Hermina Bogor which is ready to bring Hermina Friends towards optimal recovery! amidst the challenges of cancer, the decision to start treatment is the right step to achieve healing. Your medical team consists of experts who are experienced in cari...

Welcome drg. Priskila Naomi W., Sp.KG to RSIA HERMINA Mutiara Bunda Salatiga! Specializing in Dental Conservation

Welcome drg. Priskila Naomi W., Sp.KG to RSIA HERMINA Mutiara Bunda Salatiga! Specializing in Dental Conservation

"Welcome drg. Priskila Naomi W., Sp.KG to RSIA HERMINA Mutiara Bunda Salatiga! Specializing in Dental Conservation, Practice Schedule: Friday 17.00 - 19.00, Saturday 15.00 - 18.00. Make an appointment for your dental care now! Download Hermina Mobile Apps or visit Hermina Hospitals website (...



As of May 1, 2024, Hermina Samarinda Hospital has officially opened the 6th floor for Padma Polyclinic. Facilities provided,: - Front Office - Nurse Station - Laboratory - Treasury - Pharmacy - Musholla - Public Toilet - Children's Clinic - Obgyn Polyclinic - Dermal Polyclinik - ...

Welcome to Join Hermina Padang Hospital

Welcome to Join Hermina Padang Hospital

Hello Hermina friends, for Hermina friends who want treatment or eye consultation, now Hermina Padang Hospital has a new eye specialist doctor. Dr. Astria Rima Rara Yuswir, Sp.M's schedule is on the following days: Tuesday Kamala 13.00 - 14.00 Padma 14.00 - 15.00 Friday ...

Pelayanan Pain Management RSU Hermina Medan

Pelayanan Pain Management RSU Hermina Medan

Halo Sahabat Hermina Nyeri Pinggang? Namun takut operasi? Yuk tangani nyeri tanpa operasi memiliki kelebihan seperti : 1. Tindakan invasif yang minimal 2. Lebih Hemat Biaya karena tidak melakukan operasi 3. Pasien tidak mengkonsumsi obat secara rutin. Yuk segera konsulta...

Pemeriksaan Spirometri di RSU Hermina Manado

Pemeriksaan Spirometri di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sobat Hermina .... Ayo periksakan fungsi paru-paru anda dengan pemeriksaan Spirometri di RSU Hermina Manado. Spirometri merupakan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menilai fungsi paru-paru dengan mengukur jumlah udara yang dapat dihirup dan dikeluarkan paru - paru seseoran...

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