Pelayanan Pain Management RSU Hermina Medan

Pelayanan Pain Management RSU Hermina Medan

Halo Sahabat Hermina Nyeri Pinggang? Namun takut operasi? Yuk tangani nyeri tanpa operasi memiliki kelebihan seperti : 1. Tindakan invasif yang minimal 2. Lebih Hemat Biaya karena tidak melakukan operasi 3. Pasien tidak mengkonsumsi obat secara rutin. Yuk segera konsulta...

Pemeriksaan Spirometri di RSU Hermina Manado

Pemeriksaan Spirometri di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sobat Hermina .... Ayo periksakan fungsi paru-paru anda dengan pemeriksaan Spirometri di RSU Hermina Manado. Spirometri merupakan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menilai fungsi paru-paru dengan mengukur jumlah udara yang dapat dihirup dan dikeluarkan paru - paru seseoran...

Midwifery Seminar at Hermina Pekalongan Hospital Accredited by the Ministry of Health

Midwifery Seminar at Hermina Pekalongan Hospital Accredited by the Ministry of Health

On April 27, 2024 Hermina Pekalongan Hospital held a midwifery seminar with the theme "Handling Hypertension in Pregnancy and How to Handle Emergencies in Newborns" with 3 speakers, namely Dr. Eric, Sp.OG (obstetrics and gynecology specialist at Hermina Pekalongan Hospital), Dr. Fanny Pritaningr...

Hermina Hospital Solo Celebrating Hermina Hospitals 39th Anniversary

Hermina Hospital Solo Celebrating Hermina Hospitals 39th Anniversary

Events Have Taken Place on: Thursday, April 25 2024 #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina #RSUHerminaSolo

RSU Hermina Depok Wins Best Performance Award in 2023 by the Depok City Health Office

RSU Hermina Depok Wins Best Performance Award in 2023 by the Depok City Health Office

The Depok City Government (Pemkot) through the Health Service (Dinkes) gave awards to the three best hospitals (RS) in Depok City. This award was given as a form of appreciation for the best performance of the three in 2023.

Pregnancy Exercise

Pregnancy Exercise

Hi, Moms!!There's good news for you! Now there is pregnancy gymnastics at Hermina Soreang Hospital with instructor Bd. Auliya Darmawati. The pregnancy exercise schedule is every Tuesday (14.00–Finish) and Saturday (08.00–Finish). Location: Multipurpose Room (Ruang Serbaguna), 3rd Floor,...

24 Hour Emergency Room Facilities

24 Hour Emergency Room Facilities

No need to worry! Our emergency room facilities are ready to provide appropriate and fast medical assistance for you.

24 Hour Emergency Service

24 Hour Emergency Service

Don't worry! We are ready to serve you in emergency situations and provideservices for your health.

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Hermina Hospital Padang Prenatal Yoga Class Every Friday Time: 10.00 WIB - finished Tariff: Rp. 30,000/meeting Place: Pregnancy Gymnastics Room Benefits: Free Professional Midwife Consultation, Snacks and Yoga Equipment (Matress and Yoga Block) Come on, register immediately and choose a ...

Health Talk Maintaining the Body's Immunity with Multivitamin Infusion

Health Talk Maintaining the Body's Immunity with Multivitamin Infusion

The event took place on: Friday, April 26 2024 At the Solo Square Atrium #Multivitamins #RSUHerminaSolo #HerminaCloser #CalmInHermina

Hermina Bogor Specialist Doctors in Internal Medicine have joined

Hermina Bogor Specialist Doctors in Internal Medicine have joined

Dr. Thomas Hadiantomo, Sp.PD is an internal medicine specialist, whose main job is to diagnose, treat, and manage medical conditions affecting the patient's internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. In addition to diagnosing and treating patients, ...

Digestive Surgery Service of RSU Hermina Bogor

Digestive Surgery Service of RSU Hermina Bogor

A Digestive Surgeon is a doctor whose role is to diagnose and treat various disorders of the digestive system. Treatment can be done by performing surgery to repair or even remove the problematic part. RSU Hermina Bogor's digestive surgery service handles: Colon cancer / digestive c...

Displaying item 709-720 of 2422 in total
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