Hermina Bogor Reconstructive & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Services

Hermina Bogor Reconstructive & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Services

Aesthetic Reconstructive Plastic Surgery provides services to improve appearance with plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a branch of medical science that focuses on repairing body tissue or skin damaged by certain conditions, such as burns, accidents, and others. RS Hermina Bogor Plasti...

Social Service Activities and Health Checks by Mawar Sharon Peduli x RSU Hermina Purwokwerto

Social Service Activities and Health Checks by Mawar Sharon Peduli x RSU Hermina Purwokwerto

Hello Hermina Friends 👋🏻 Social Service Activities and Medical Check Up. RSU Hermina Purwokerto as Medical support in MCU examinations for Kartini Day in collaboration with Mawar Sharon Peduli, GMS Purwoketo. This activity will be carried out on Sunday, April 21 2024. Registration can be a...

Free Medical Seminars

Free Medical Seminars

Free Medical Seminar for Doctors and Medical Personnel About Code Stroke and Chemotherapy at Hermina Hospital, Padang. Seminar will be held on: Day: Tuesday 23 April 2024 Time: 09.00 WIB - Finish Venue: Multipurpose Hall of Hermina Padang Hospital Resource person: dr. I. Fadhilah. S, Sp.N, ...

Selamat Bergabung dr. Lily Wongso, Sp.JP di RSU Hermina Manado

Selamat Bergabung dr. Lily Wongso, Sp.JP di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Selamat bergabung dengan RS Hermina Manado kepada dr.@lilywongsoSpesialis Jantung & Pembuluh Darah dan siap melayani sahabat Hermina semua, untuk jadwal praktek dapat di akses melalui website dan mobile aplikasi Halo Hermina.

Cough Ethics

Cough Ethics

Cough etiquette is practiced to avoid transmitting disease to people you loved.

Miscellaneous MPASI Nutrition Specialist Doctor, Hermina Hospital, Solo

Miscellaneous MPASI Nutrition Specialist Doctor, Hermina Hospital, Solo

The thing that parents worry most about when caring for a baby is generally related to nutrition. Babies can get nutrition through breast milk for the first six months. However, as the baby grows, consuming breast milk alone is certainly not enough. At the age of 6 months, babies will usually co...

Q1 2024 Hospital Quality Publication

Q1 2024 Hospital Quality Publication

Front office service time, namely the time from when the patient is called by the registration officer until the patient completes registration, is marked by the issuance of the SEP. The achievement of Front Office service time in Q1 2024 was achieved according to the established standards, na...

Tarif Spesial Vaksin di RSU Hermina Manado

Tarif Spesial Vaksin di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina .... Rencana akan melakukan vaksin untuk anak ataupun keluarga dalam waktu dekat ini ? berikut tarif vaksin yang berlaku di RS Hermina Manado* Untuk jadwal dapat mengikuti jadwal praktek dokter yang tersedia yah sahabat Hermina.

Pelayanan Eksekutif di RSU Hermina Manado

Pelayanan Eksekutif di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina .... Yuk berkenalan dengan tim pelayanan eksekutif RS Hermina Manado yang siap membantu sahabat hermina dalam memberikan pelayanan dan informasi baik itu rawat jalan ataupun rawat inap bagi pasien dengan jaminan pribadi, asuransi dan perusahaan. Silakan untuk menghubun...

Hello Hermina, this is a mobile application that switches systems

Hello Hermina, this is a mobile application that switches systems

The appointment service through the Halo Hermina application will be redirected to the Call Center (1500-488) and Hermina Galaxy Hospital phone (021) 8222525 on April 17–18, 2024, in an attempt to enhance the quality of Hermina Hospital services. #RSUHerminaGalaxy #HerminaHospitals #Ten...

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Urologi

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Urologi

Dokter Spesialis Bedah Urologi menangani masalah kesehatan pada sistem saluran kemih, termasuk ginjal, kandung kemih, kelenjar adrenal, dan saluran kemih. Dokter urologi juga dapat menangani masalah pada organ reproduksi pria, seperti penis, testis, dan kelenjar prostat. Tindakan yang dapat d...

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa

Pelayanan Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa RSU Hermina Medan memiliki Layanan Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa Beliau dapat menangani gejala kesehatan jiwa seperti : 1. Kerap merasa panik dan cemas 2. Mengalami sulit tidur atau kualitas tidur yang kurang baik 3. Selalu ingin bergera...

Displaying item 733-744 of 2422 in total
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