Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medik RSU Hermina Manado

Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medik RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina ..... RSU Hermina Manado dilengkapi dengan Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medikdan tentunya dengan dokter-dokter spesialis kedokteran fisik dan rehabilitasiyang sangat berkompeten dibidangnya. Untuk sahabat hemrina yang memiliki keluhan berhubungan dengan penyakit saraf janga...

Hermina Talks RSU Hermina Kendari at the PLN UPP SULTRA office

Hermina Talks RSU Hermina Kendari at the PLN UPP SULTRA office

Hermina Talks is an activity with the aim of providing health education and sharing information about services at RSU Hermina Kendari delivered by doctors at RSU Hermina Kendari Education regarding "Maintaining heart health by lowering cholesterol levels" delivered by Dr. Ashaeryanto, MMedEd, S...

Sosialisasi Kesehatan Karyawan Bank BNI dengan tema  “Metabolic Syndrome?”  Narasumber  dr. Amelia Istiqomah, SpPD bersama  RS Hermina Palembang

Sosialisasi Kesehatan Karyawan Bank BNI dengan tema “Metabolic Syndrome?” Narasumber dr. Amelia Istiqomah, SpPD bersama RS Hermina Palembang

BNIPalembang mengadakanSosialisasi Kesehatan bersama Karyawan nya dengan tema “Metabolic Syndrome” dengan Narasumber dr. Amelia IStiqomah, SpPD bekerjasama dengan RS Hermina Palembangkaryawan yang hadir pada acara tersebut pada hari Senin 13 November 2023

Hermina Hospital Depok Circumcision Package

Hermina Hospital Depok Circumcision Package

Circumcision or what is better known as circumcision in Indonesia, is a surgical procedure to remove or cut the skin (foreskin) that covers the penis, which consists of muscle tissue and blood vessels. When the foreskin is removed, the opening of the urethra (outer urethral opening or urethra) a...

Hermina Padang Hospital Credentialing

Hermina Padang Hospital Credentialing

The recredentialing of RSU Hermina Padang together with BPJS Health Padang City was completed on Friday 10 November 2023. This recredentialing is an activity to verify and validate the suitability of RSU Hermina Padang in providing health services to the general public, especially JKN participan...

Mini-MCU activities at MI Nurul Falah Bintaro

Mini-MCU activities at MI Nurul Falah Bintaro

Friends of Hermina, Hermina Ciputat Hospital, also took part in the open house activities for various kindergarten and preschool-level competitions that were held at MI Nurul Falah Bintaro, South Tangerang. Hermina Ciputat Hospital participated by opening and providing mini MCUs to guests and pa...

Celebration of 59th National Health Day

Celebration of 59th National Health Day

In order to celebrate the 59th National Health Day (HKN) in 2023, with the theme "Health Transformation for Advanced Indonesia", Hermina Makassar Hospital also attended and participated in a healthy walking event held by the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Service on: Day / Date: Sunday, Nov...

RSU Hermina Pandanaran Lactation Clinic Services

RSU Hermina Pandanaran Lactation Clinic Services

RSU Hermina Pandanaran offers a LACTATION CLINIC service with pediatricians and midwives who are trained in their fields. Consult your little one's breast milk needs to ensure adequate nutrition at the LACTATION CLINIC RSU Hermina Pandanaran. Lactation clinic services are counseling services...

Beautiful Date Birth Package Promo

Beautiful Date Birth Package Promo

BEAUTIFUL DATE BIRTH PROMOTION ✨ I want to ask! Who here whose HPL is 11.11.23 or 23.11.23? raise his hand! Promotion for giving birth on beautiful dates this month for mothers who give birth on beautiful dates 11.11.23 and 23.11.23 for friends of Hermina Makassar who give birth on beautiful...

Has Joined a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynecologist.

Has Joined a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynecologist.

Has joined a specialist obstetrician and gynecologist. Dr. Beta Andewi Resti A, Sp.OG is a specialist doctor who has special expertise in the health of the female reproductive system and also plays a role in helping examine pregnant women, assisting with childbirth and post-natal care. The fo...

Children's Vaccine Schedule for November

Children's Vaccine Schedule for November

MEASLES & BCG VACCINE SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 2023 To find out the doctor's practice schedule and register, you can go through: 1. Hermina Hospital Website (link on Bio) 2. Hermina Mobile Apps "Hello Hermina" (available on Playstore/Appstore) 3. Call Center 1500488 #vaccine #childvacc...

Layanan Pemeriksaan Spirometri RSU Hermina Medan

Layanan Pemeriksaan Spirometri RSU Hermina Medan

Halo Sahabat Hermina RSU Hermina Medan memiliki pelayanan pemeriksaan paru paru dengan alat Spirometri. Spirometri merupakan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menilai fungsi paru-paru dengan mengukur jumlah udara yang dapat dihirup dan dikeluarkan paru - paru seseorang. Ha...

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