Inpatient Facility RSU Hermina Solo

Inpatient Facility RSU Hermina Solo

Hello Hermina Friends!

Complicated hospitalization with lots of stuff?

Now there's no need...

Hermina friends and family can enjoy comfort with the facilities of Hermina Solo Hospital:

- Eat for patient attendants

In addition to the patients, patient caretakers also receive food

- Welcome fruit and drink

When admitted to the hospital, Hermina's best friend was provided with a welcome fruit and drink which can be enjoyed free of charge

- Amenities toiletries

Soap, shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste and towels are available, so you don't have to worry about bringing a lot of equipment

- Spacious, comfortable and private rooms

The room only contains 1 patient/room, friend of Hermina. In addition, many other facilities have been provided. Such as beds for patient caretakers, guest table chairs, refrigerators, TVs, microwaves, and others.

If Hermina's friends are in need of inpatient services, remember Hermina Solo General Hospital...

For more detailed information, please call 0857-2288-0552 (Vinda)



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