A panaromic x-ray service available at Hermina Hospital  Karawang

A panaromic x-ray service available at Hermina Hospital Karawang

Hello, Hermina's friend.
Now available: Panoramic Services at Hermina Karawang Hospital
Advantages of X-rays, Dental Panoramics,
Minimum radiation dose and side effects
early detection of dental and oral problems
Overall view of teeth and mouth
shows a picture of tooth growth.
Come on, Hermina Friends, do a panoramic X-ray for your mouth and jaw problems. You can make a reservation via.
WhatsApp: 0812 9082 8202
CS Hermina 1500-488
SPGDT: 0877 1028 3376
or you can use the Halo Hermina Mobile Application.
Contact person
Nara: 0899 766 5050
Tyara: 0895 1735 9577

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