mata, eye, kesehatan mata, blind


Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by a collection of symptoms in the form of increased pressure on the eyeball accompanied by eye nerve damage and narrowing of the eye gaze. Glaucoma is also called sight thief because glaucoma can cause permanent blindness.

Types of Glaucoma:

Chronic Glaucoma ( Chronic)

that is, the eye group is generally characterized by optic nerve damage and progressive loss of vision and is associated with various risk factors, especially high Intracular Pressure (IOP). Signs and symptoms:

  • Vision loss
  • Frequent headaches
  • Pain in the eyeball

Acute Glaucoma ( Sudden )

Glaucoma is caused by a sudden high intraocular pressure in the eye. Acute glaucoma can be both primary and secondary. Primary acute glaucoma presents itself in people suffering from congenital glaucoma Secondary acute glaucoma, arising as a complication of another or systemic eye disease. Can be found in a history of routine steroid drug use or a history of trauma to the eye, cataracts, high myopia, diabetes, etc.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Red eye pain without impurities
  • The cornea is slightly cloudy
  • Pain or soreness in the eye that can radiate to the head
  • Nausea and vomiting when eye tension is very high
  • Sudden vision drops, usually in one eye

Glaucoma Risk Factors

  • Family or hereditary glaucoma history
  • Degenerative diseases such as Diabetes and Hypertension and age > 40 years
  • High eye pressure
  • Accidents or a history of previous eye surgery such as cataract surgery
  • Migraine or narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain (poor circulation)
  • Myopia or nearsightedness

Glaucoma Prevention

Most glaucoma risk factors such as age, heredity, and ethnicity cannot be prevented, as they are congenital. However, if there is a family history of glaucoma, it can be prevented by eye examination and routine control to the doctor for early detection of glaucoma, so that you can get the right therapy and treatment.

Here are steps you can take to detect glaucoma early.

  • Keep your eyes healthy from an early age by consuming foods that contain vitamin A and regular eye health checks.
  • Use eye drops that your doctor prescribes regularly. Glaucoma eye drops can significantly reduce the risk of high eye pressure developing into glaucoma.
  • Serious eye injuries can cause glaucoma. So, use eye protection when exercising or while working using power tools.

In addition to early detection, lifestyle can also be an effort to prevent glaucoma. Do a healthy lifestyle such as; Eat healthy and nutritious foods, exercise regularly, reduce caffeine intake, avoid smoking, maintain ideal body weight, drink water with pauses and regularly, do not drink much in close proximity, reduce salt intake to avoid fluid retention and consult a doctor if you want to do strenuous activities.

Glaucoma Treatment

Eye damage caused by glaucoma cannot be treated or repaired. But treatment should still be done to reduce intraocular pressure on the eye and prevent widespread eye damage. In general, glaucoma can be treated with eye drops, medications taken, laser therapy, and surgery.
