Pola Asuh Efektif Untuk Ibu Pekerja

Pola Asuh Efektif Untuk Ibu Pekerja

Being a working mother is not easy. Mom has to perform household chores and work at once, so it is difficult to pay enough attention to the child. However, despite the intense busyness, mothers need to ensure that they provide effective parenting for the child. Here are some tips to help working moms become effective moms:


  1. Prioritize Quality Time with Children


Even though working mothers have busy schedules, they have to find time to be quality with their children. For example, mothers can give time to read books together, talk about their day, or do other fun activities with their children. This will help build strong relationships and ensure that the child feels accepted and loved. Quality time" is a term often used to describe the time spent by parents with their children that is quality and meaningful. Quality time in this case refers to time that is focused and has the full attention of parents towards children, thus helping to improve the emotional connection between parent and child.


This quality time does not have to take a long time, but is more focused on the quality of interaction between parents and children. Some examples of activities that can be done during quality time between parents and children include gathering together for dinner, exercising together, reading a book, or doing fun activities together.


Hermina's best friend, please note that spending quality time with children has many benefits, such as improving the emotional connection between parent and child, helping to overcome behavioral problems, and helping to build trust and a sense of security in the child. Therefore, parents should try to spend quality time regularly with their children to build strong and positive relationships.



  1. Give Skills To Be Independent


The child needs to learn to be independent and make his own decisions. Working mothers can help develop these skills by assigning household tasks to children, such as cooking dinner or doing laundry. This will help the child develop and form a sense of responsibility.


Instilling independence in children requires time and consistent effort from parents. However, in the long run, a child raised with independence will become an independent adult and have a strong sense of self-confidence. Therefore, it is best for parents to apply these methods in raising their child.


  1. Provide the Ability to Solve Problems


The child needs to learn how to cope with problems and solve conflicts. Working mothers can help develop these abilities by letting the child solve problems on their own and providing support and guidance if needed. This will help the child become more independent and solve problems well.


Instilling problem-solving and conflict-solving skills in children is important to help them become resilient individuals and be able to cope well with problems. Parents should provide support and help the child to develop this ability, so that they can solve conflicts and overcome problems in an effective and appropriate way.



  1. Provide Emotional Support


The child needs to know that they can come to their mother for emotional support. Working mothers can help build a strong emotional connection with the child by providing support and listening well when the child has problems. This will help build self-confidence and reduce pressure on the child.


  1. Provide a Good Education



Education is very important for the future of the child. Working mothers should ensure that their children receive a good education, by helping them learn and providing access to quality educational resources. This could be helping a child with schoolwork, taking them to a museum or library, or reading together every day.



  1. Jaga Kebutuhan Fisik dan Mental


Ibu perkerja harus memastikan bahwa anak mereka memiliki kebutuhan fisik dan mental yang terpenuhi. Ini bisa berupa memastikan bahwa anak mereka makan makanan sehat dan berolahraga secara teratur, serta membantu mereka mengatasi stres dan masalah emosional. Oleh karena itu, orang tua harus memastikan bahwa mereka memberikan dukungan dan bantuan yang diperlukan untuk membantu anak mengatasi stres.



  1. Tentukan Batas-batas yang Jelas


Anak perlu memahami batas-batas yang jelas dan harus tahu bagaimana harus bertindak. Ibu perkerja harus memastikan bahwa anak mereka tahu bagaimana harus bertindak dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan. Ini akan membantu membentuk rasa tanggung jawab dan mengurangi masalah perilaku. Kemudian, membentuk rasa tanggung jawab pada anak adalah hal yang penting untuk membantu mereka menjadi pribadi yang matang dan bertanggung jawab. Orang tua harus memberikan contoh dan membimbing anak mereka untuk membentuk rasa tanggung jawab dan memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk belajar dan tumbuh.



  1. Jangan Terlalu Keras


Ibu perkerja harus memastikan bahwa mereka tidak terlalu keras pada anak mereka. Ini bisa membuat anak merasa tertekan dan tidak nyaman. Ibu harus memastikan bahwa mereka memberikan pujian dan dukungan secara teratur dan menunjukkan bahwa mereka mencintai anak mereka. Serta menjaga anak agar tidak merasa tertekan adalah hal penting untuk membantu mereka menjadi pribadi yang sehat dan bahagia. Orang tua harus memberikan dukungan dan membantu anak untuk mengatasi perasaan dan masalah mereka, serta membangun hubungan emosi yang kuat dan memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang.


Dengan mempraktikkan pola asuh yang efektif, ibu perkerja dapat membantu anak mereka berkembang dan tumbuh menjadi individu yang bahagia dan sukses. Ini juga akan membantu ibu membangun hubungan yang kuat dan menikmati masa tumbuh anak dengan sepenuh hati. Apabila Sahabat Hermina ingin berkonsultasi terkait Pola Asuh yang efektif bagi ibu pekerja atau memiliki keluhan lainnya, konsultasikan dengan psikolog, untuk jadwal dan pendaftaran dapat menghubungi 0821-3552-2454.

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