
I have tonsillitis, do I need surgery?

Hello Hermina Friends...
Everyday we often hear the term tonsillitis. What are tonsillitis actually?
The use of the term tonsillitis is actually not right. because tonsils or the medical term is tonsils are organs located in the oral cavity, Tonsils or tonsils are lymphoid organs that have a protective function, namely protecting the body from germs that enter through the mouth, usually germs will enter the oral cavity through food, air or through items that enter the mouth such as spoons or in small children who often put their fingers in their mouths, These germs will then activate the tonsils so that the tonsils will enlarge and cause signs of inflammation in the form of pain when swallowing and fever. If this tonsillitis continues, the tonsils will enlarge over time, there are several indications for tonsils, they must be removed.

1. Tonsil size
The size of the tonsils is divided into four levels. size one or we also call it T1 is the normal size, where the tonsils are still in the tonsil space or tonsil fossa size two or we also call it t two is the size where the tonsils are slightly larger than size t one but have not reached the uvula (commonly called the uvula) size three or we call it t three is the size where the tonsils are getting closer to the uvula, but have not touched each other size four or we call it T4 is the largest size of all tonsil sizes, where one tonsil and another have met each other or are also called kissing tonsils.

2. recurrence
recurrence in the form of recurrent sore throat and accompanied by fever with episodes more than 4 times per year is an indication for tonsil surgery.

3. complications
the most common complication in large tonsils is sleep apnea characterized by snoring sounds, accompanied by periods of stopping breathing for several seconds.

in children, complications can be pneumonia or recurrent pneumonia
if we find these indications, then tonsillectomy should not be postponed for too long.

Well, hermina friends already know the indications for tonsillectomy, so don't hesitate to go to hermina immediately, if you find signs like the above. hopefully always healthy.
