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What to do and how to recover from a burn

Burns can occur when the body is exposed to too much heat. Different things might cause it, such as being around fire, hot liquids, chemicals, UV light, electricity, or other hot things. Burn patients will feel a lot of agony. Even worse, it makes the skin swell, peel, and turn red.

Burns are not just any kind of wound; they can result in fatal circumstances. There are three levels of burns, with the first level affecting the skin's outermost layers. Redness and skin blistering are signs of second-degree burns. Minor burns are included in this second degree. Even though the third degree is very serious, you need to seek out medical assistance.

By correctly healing the burns, first and second degree burns can still be treated separately. Burns therefore heal quickly during the drying phase. The best way to treat burns is to do it as follows:

Initial care for burns

1. Put an end to the burning
- Don't run from the fire; put it out! Keep hot things away!
- Brushing off chemicals is advised. Put on a pair of gloves.
- If the issue is caused by electricity, turn off the source of power.
- Bring the victim into the room if you have been burned by the sun's UV radiation.

2. Use Water to Cool
- Use flowing water to clean the wound
- In the absence of a cover, use moist towels and replace them every two minutes.
- If a chemical is to blame, run running water for 20 minutes and stay away from water that is overly pressurized.

3. Remove clothing around the wound.
4. Avoid popping bubbles if there are any.
5. Immediately
