How to Treat a Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder, in medical language, is called adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition that greatly interferes with the activities of the sufferer. This condition is the result of inflammation that occurs in the covering of the joints, which causes the joints to become stiff or frozen. So that the joint cannot move freely according to the range of motion of the joint. It doesn't freeze immediately; usually the symptoms that appear at the beginning are soreness, until it finally becomes stiff enough that it can't be moved. The frozen or freezing phase lasts 6–9 months. If it is not treated immediately, it will cause the shoulder to be unable to move at all, or the frozen phase of the frozen shoulder.
Frozen Shoulder Causes and Risk factors
Medically, it cannot be explained in detail what causes a frozen shoulder. But we can still identify the risk factors that cause frozen shoulders. Frozen shoulder often occurs in patients in their late 40s to early 50s. In addition, frozen shoulders are often found in patients with diabetes. A frozen shoulder may also occur in patients with a history of acute or chronic injury.
Can frozen shoulders be cured?
Frozen shoulder is a disease that can heal by itself. Usually within 24 months, this disease can heal itself as long as the damage that occurs is not too severe. However, the recovery for each patient is different; usually the patient will be identified first, whether he is still in the freezing phase, has entered the stowing phase, or has entered the improved phase.
Frozen Shoulder Treatment
In order to be treated, of course, we must know in advance whether the condition experienced is frozen shoulder or another shoulder disease. If you have been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, then the treatment is Physiotherapy. Physical problems, the medicine is physical exercise, so the doctor will provide physical exercises such as ROM (Range Of Motion). If within 3 months there is no change and even worse, then surgery is needed.
If Hermina's friend experiences a shoulder condition that makes it difficult to move or the movement is not as good as before, then you may be given anti-pain medication such as paracetamol, but you should not order it first to avoid the severity that occurs. Consult the nearest doctor first to find out more clearly about the shoulder disease you are experiencing. Or you may immediately consult an orthopedic doctor to get further treatment. Early identification will improve future outcomes. Healing is faster, so returning to activity is also faster. Old management, let alone a new one, will prolong healing as well.
Friends of Hermina, see a complete explanation about Frozen Shoulder on the Hermina Podcast episode with dr. Herjuno Ardhi, Sp, OT (click here)