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The Danger of Electric Cigar / Vape for the Human Body

In this era of modern technology, many people are switching from their old habits by adapting to the latest technology. One of these habits is smoking. Many people are starting to switch from smoking using conventional cigarettes to smoking using electronic cigarettes, or better known as Vape. Many people think that smoking using Vape is a "Cleaner" alternative to conventional cigarettes. However, is it true that switching to vape is safer and "Cleaner"?

  • Dangers of Chemicals in Vape

Vape contains various harmful chemicals. One of them is diacetyl, which is often used to give the vapor a buttery flavor. Diacetyl is closely linked to serious lung diseases, such as bronchiolitis obliterans, also known as "Popcorn Lung". In addition, when vape liquid is heated, this process can produce aldehydes such as formaldehyde which are carcinogenic and can trigger cancer. Although the levels of these carcinogens are lower than in conventional cigarettes, the health risks are still there, especially with long-term use.

  • Potential Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Problems

Vaping can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Nicotine can increase heart rate and blood pressure, potentially leading to heart problems. Vaping can trigger an inflammatory response in the body that poses a risk to heart health. The adverse effects on the respiratory system are also significant. Vaping may not produce tar like conventional cigarettes, but the vapor can cause irritation and inflammation in the respiratory tract, and affect normal lung function.

Vaping may offer an alternative for heavy smokers to reduce tobacco use, but it is important to understand that it is NOT WITHOUT RISK. For non-smokers, starting vaping can be a path to a variety of health problems. Comprehensive education about the health impacts of vaping is needed by the community. It is also important to tighten regulations on the production and sale of e-cigarettes to ensure user safety. In the context of public health, prevention is always better than cure. Avoiding or quitting vaping altogether is the best step to maintain long-term health. For those who want to quit smoking, it is advisable to consult a health professional for a safer and more controlled method.
