anak, spesialis anak

Prevent Malnutrition andStunting On Children with Improved Diet

Sahabat Hermina, stunting is still the focus of child health problems, especially in developing countries.Stunting is short stature caused by inadequate nutritional intake not due to heredity, genetics, hormonal/endocrine problems. Child stunting at risk of experiencing recurrent acute infections, decreased intellectual abilities, decreased productivity in the future, and increased risk of metabolic diseases.

Optimizing interventions for prevention and management stunting currently focusing in the first 1000 days of life on correcting malnutrition or co-morbidities.

Here are some things that parents should know to prevent children from experiencing it stunting, namely feeding rules, healthy eating strategies, things to pay attention to, as well as stages of children's eating development based on age.

Feeding rules

  • Timetable

Schedule of main meals and snacks, namely 3x main meals and 2x snacks between main meals. Milk can be given 2-3 times a day. Feeding should not last more than 30 minutes and only drinking water between meals.

  • Environment

Create a fun, non-coercive environment. Avoid using toys, gadgets, and television so that there are no distractions while eating. Let the child sit while eating and focus on the food. Avoid taking children for a walk when eating or eating in the open or places where the child's attention is distracted from food. Don't use food as a reward.

  • Procedure

Motivate children to eat alone. If the child shows signs of not wanting to eat (closes mouth, turns head, cries), offer food back naturally, namely without coaxing or forcing, but if after 10-15 minutes the child still doesn't want to eat, end the eating process.

Healthy Eating Strategies

  • Turn off the TV, computer and gadgets during meal times.
  • Don't give up on introducing new types of food. Mothers may have to offer 10-15 feeding sessions for one type of food menu before the child wants to eat it.
  • Do not force children to eat. This often results in children refusing to eat, and having difficulty finishing food.

Things that must be considered

In the process of eating and during solids, the Little One still has to pay close attention to his growth and development so that feeding must also pay attention to:

  • Animal protein is given from the age of 6 months.
  • Eggs, meat, and fish are given completely cooked.
  • Fat that comes from cooking oil, butter or coconut milk must be given.
  • Provision of fruit juice is not recommended for children under 1 year old (preferably cut fruit).
  • Sugar and salt can be given in small amounts just to create a taste from the menu, not sweet or salty.
  • Honey is given after the child is 1 year old.
  • Make sure the child's hands are clean before starting to eat.
  • Pay attention to hand hygiene and equipment in preparing solids.

Age, Child Development, and Stages of Solidarity

There are stages of feeding that are in accordance with the development of children based on their age which can be seen in the information below.

  • Age 0-6 months: Exclusive breastfeeding

Age 4-6 months: has started to sit up, shows a response to open the mouth when the spoon is brought closer. Already interested in food

  • Age 6-9 months

The development of babies at this age is that they can move food from one side of the mouth to the other. The baby's front teeth are starting to grow. Babies can swallow foods with a thicker texture.

  1. Texture of MPASI: Puree (filter) and mashed (mashed).
  2. Frequency of complementary foods: 2-3 large meals and 1-2 snacks.
  3. Number of MPASI per serving: 3 tablespoons to half bowl size 250ml.
  • Age 9-12 months

The development of babies at this age is being able to bite food with a rougher texture.

  1. Texture of MPASI: minced (finely chopped), chopped (coarsely     chopped), and finger foods.
  2. Frequency of complementary foods: 3-4 large meals and 1-2 snacks.
  3. Number of solids per serving: half a 250ml bowl.
  • Age 12-23 months

The development of children at this age is that they can adapt to all kinds of textures and family food menus.

  1. MPASI texture: family food.
  2. Frequency of complementary foods: 3-4 large meals and 1-2 snacks.
  3. Amount of MPASI per serving: three-quarters to one bowl full size 250ml.

Well, for the prevention of malnutrition and stunting in children, make sure the child gets adequate nutrition by following the correct feeding rules and a healthy and balanced food composition. Stay healthy.
